Showing posts with label Father's Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Father's Day. Show all posts

When you are a Father: An Ode to My Father

~When you are a Father~

When you are so humble, you can launch a few dozen up into space and right into orbit.

When you are so down to Earth, you can turn barren land into towns and expanding cities.

When you are so brave and intelligent to trade a ton of risks, you help build a nation.

When you are so Spiritual, religiously plural & Masterful in it, God lets you read and steer the lives, minds and hearts of men, their leaders, their nations and their fates like a book being penned.

When you are so generous, humane, loving and kind, you deliver sweet justice with the strongest left hook I have ever seen, as you help those in need with your right hand.

When you are so blessed with Fidelity, discipline, self-control, faith, purity of heart, wisdom, determination and purpose, our loyal Goddess is never too far from Her son... to protect, and guard  him and his kin, to Love & Care for His wife, His children, His community and His people.


My lifelong Mentor, my Friend, my Wise Counsel, my Warrior Brother in Arms, my Boss and now my Partner(after many years of earning sweat and blood equity, tough love and having to prove my mettle). My #1 role model for Life. I am so grateful to have been blessed with such a Father, as we are grateful every day for all our ancestral Fathers before us, & to our Father in Heaven.

Happy Father's Day

Every Divine Moment, In Every Day, Every Month & Every Year ..across decades

Father is blazing away tirelessly  24*7*365 
Showing us the way... .



a.k.a Jai Krishna Ponnappan ;)

The best of Blessings & Love to you this Father's Day. .