

Hinduism - Who Is Considered A Twice-Born Or Dvija In Hindu Society?


(dvija) In its most particular meaning, this term refers to a man from one of the highest traditional social groupings (varnas)—brahmin, kshatriya, or vaishya—who has completed the upanayana samskara, an adolescent ceremonial initiation.

This initiation confers the right and responsibility to study the Vedas, the earliest Hindu sacred books, and clearly distinguishes those who have this right from those who do not—that is, all children, women, and men who do not belong to these three classes.

Because of this initiation’s ceremonial importance, it was known as the second birth, and so the initiates were “twice-born.” The first birth was biological and based on nature, but the second was cultural and denoted greater religious rank.

Although in its strictest definition this term refers solely to such initiates, in a broader sense it might signify any individual belonging to a varna whose members are eligible for this initiation—that is, any brahmin, kshatriya, or vaishya.

Twilight Language is a term used to describe a language that is used in the Twilight Zone.

Sandhabhasha is one of the terms that may be translated.

Sandhabhasha is a symbolic language employed in tantra, a secret, ritual-based religious practice in which the components of tantric worship are articulated in a coded language frequently taken from the human body's intimate parts and functions.

This is done to keep the details of the custom hidden from those who aren't familiar with it.

~Kiran Atma

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