Hinduism - Who Is Trishanku In Hindu Mythology?


("three transgressions") In Hindu mythology, the Solar Line's celebrated ruler.

He is born with the name Satyavrata, but the sage Vasishtha curses him to be known as Trishanku because of three big sins: he kidnaps another man's wife, he angers his father, and he consumes meat (which he gained by killing Vasishtha's cow).

Along with this unflattering moniker, Vasishtha curses Trishanku with the status of a chandala (untouchable), which he bears for a period before being returned to his throne.

Trishanku is a decent king after recovering his throne, yet he wishes to be carried physically into paradise.

Vasishtha and his sons mock Trishanku's wish, but the sage Vishvamitra, who has a long history of feuding with Vasishtha, becomes an ally.

Vishvamitra makes the sacrifice to transport Trishanku to heaven, but when he reaches, Indra, the king of heaven, pushes him back down, and Trishanku falls headfirst.

Trishanku is ordered to stay still by Vishvamitra, and since Indra won't allow him up and Vishvamitra won't let him down, he is hung in midair.

When Vishvamitra threatens to create a new Indra for the new heaven, Indra relents and takes Trishanku to heaven in his physical form.

Trishanku has subsequently become a metaphorical term for someone caught between two choices.

~Kiran Atma

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