Hinduism - Who Was Trilochan?


(fifteenth century?) A sant poet who is often linked to Namdev, the poet-saint.

The term sant refers to a loose group of poet-saints from central and northern India who shared several common traits: a focus on individualized, interior religion leading to a per sonal experience of the divine; a disdain for external ritual, particularly image worship; faith in the power of the divine name; and a willingness to disregard traditional caste distinctions.

Trilochan's sole poetry are a few passages from the Adigranth, the Sikh community's holy text.

These verses express his devotion to Vithoba, the presiding deity of the Pandharpur temple in Maharashtra, and Namdev's chosen deity.

As a result, the poems seem to have Maharashtrian roots.

Other bhakti poets, most notably the poet saint Ravidas, mention Trilochan as a devotee (bhakta).

~Kiran Atma

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