

Hinduism - Where Is Thanesar Tirtha In India?


In the northern region of the state of Haryana, there is a city and holy place (tirtha) next to the sacred site of Kurukshetra.

In the Mahabharata, the later of the two Sanskrit epics, Thanesar is a well-known location.

The epic's conclusion occurs in Kurukshetra, when two sections of an extended family, together with their friends, fight for eighteen days.

On one hand, there are the five Pandava brothers, who are the heroes of the epic, and on the other, the Kauravas, who are the villains.

According to the epic, the Pandavas worshiped the deity Shiva at a temple in Thanesar on the eve of the battle, and after their devotion, Shiva told them that they would win.

Apart from the temple, Thanesar also boasts a well-known swimming tank that is supposed to contain all of India's holy rivers, with Sunday being the principal bathing (snana) day.

Nearby lies the Gita Mandir, where Arjuna, one of the Pandava brothers, is claimed to have received the Bhagavad Gita instruction from Krishna just before the war.

~Kiran Atma

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