

Hinduism - Who Is Taraka In Hindu Mythology?


In Hindu mythology, a powerful demon who undergoes such great physical asceticism (tapas) that he is granted the benefit of being able to be destroyed only by the deity Shiva's son.

Because Shiva is immersed in meditation and still mourning for his slain wife Sati, this boon seems to render Taraka invulnerable.

Taraka gets more strong and arrogant throughout time, finally defeating the gods in battle and exiling them from heaven.

In their despair, the gods turn to Kama, the god of love, and ask him to shoot Shiva with a desire arrow so that he can marry the goddess Parvati and thus bring Taraka's death about.

Shiva, on the other hand, burns Kama to ash with a stream of fire from his third eye before he can shoot.

Shiva marries Parvati later in life, and their son, Skanda, defeats Taraka in battle.

~Kiran Atma

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