

Hinduism - Who Is A Svayamsevak?



("volunteer") is a Hindi word that means "volunteer." a member of the Rashtriya Svayamsevak Sangh's rank and file (RSS).

The RSS is a conservative Hindu organization whose stated objective is to produce the leadership cadre for a rejuvenated Hindu India; throughout the most of its existence, it has described its mission as cultural and character-building rather than religious or political.

The svayamsevaks are the "foot soldiers" who make up the core membership of the RSS.

They are rank-and-file members of local RSS chapters (shakhas).

A full-time RSS worker known as a pracharak ("director") administers the shakhas in any particular region, serving as a link between the local units and the RSS leadership and overseeing RSS operations in his area.

The RSS membership level of svayamsevak is the lowest.

Most members do not get beyond this level since it demands entire dedication to the RSS and its objectives; however, those who do are generally talented leaders.

At the shakha level, the emphasis is on developing personal ties with other members in order to foster loyalty to the organization.

A daily meeting is held by each shakha, or local unit.

An opening ceremony in which the RSS's saffron banner is hoisted, traditional sports or exercises, including a combat drill, and a discussion time in which RSS beliefs may be spread and promoted are among the activities.

~Kiran Atma

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