

Hinduism - What Is Sudarshana?


The term for Vishnu's discus weapon (chakra), which is fashioned by Vishvakarma, the gods' workman and builder, in Hindu mythology.

Vishvakarma has married his daughter Sanjna to the sun, but she finds her husband's brilliance too great to endure, according to the narrative.

To assist his daughter acclimate, Vishvakarma uses his heavenly instruments to cut away part of the sun's light, removing just enough for Sanjna to endure being around him.

He then fashions the shaved pieces into Vishnu's Sudarshana chakra, Shiva's tri dent, and a variety of other holy weapons, as well as the Pushpak Viman, an airborne vehicle.

Sudarshana's heavenly source makes it a fearsome weapon capable of annihilating any foe.

~Kiran Atma

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