Savitri Puja


 Savitri Puja is a Hindu festival dedicated to the goddess Savitri.

Religious festival commemorating the virtue of Savitri, who rescued her husband Satyavan from Yama, the deity of death, during the new moon in the lunar month of Jyeshth (May–June).

This observance is traditionally observed solely by women in order to boost their husbands' health and longevity and therefore assure a long married life.

Savitri is a cultural model for Indian women as a lady who devotes her full energy to the well-being of her family; her ability to rescue her husband from death proves her goodness and cunning as well.

This ceremony requires women to worship Savitri, Satyavan, and Yama, as well as to fast (upavasa) before worship and eat only fruit for the remainder of the day.