

 The approaching birth of a child is a period of eager anticipation tinged with dread for Hindus, as it is for other communities.

Part of this anxiety originates from sheer physical concerns about the pregnancy and delivery going well, as well as the mother and child's medical well-being.

To increase their strength, expectant moms are frequently advised to relax and are often given food that is regarded particularly nutritious (such as milk products and nuts).

Pregnancy is a momentous event for a woman since the birth of children (particularly males) would establish her standing in her married household; nevertheless, this importance comes with its own set of expectations and anxieties.

Because it is believed that the woman's mental state during pregnancy has an impact on the kid, every effort is taken to protect the expecting mother from negative thoughts and events while also encouraging her to think positively.

Aside from safeguarding the physical and mental welfare of the expecting woman, Hindus take several precautions to protect her from other types of disaster.

During pregnancy and the initial days of a child's existence, the woman and her child are thought to be particularly susceptible to black magic, especially the witchcraft of people who are envious of the expecting or new mother.

Another source of danger is unseen occurrences, like as an eclipse, during which a pregnant lady should stay indoors (away from the sun's harmful rays) and keep completely still, lest her kid be delivered with missing limbs.

Various rites of protection, such as wearing amulets, charms, or iron (considered to render one impervious to spells), cutting back on social interaction to avoid possible contact with inauspicious people and things, and paying attention to religious rites, can also be used to counteract these hostile forces.