

 ("an ancestor's sacrifice") One of the Five Great Sacrifices (panchamahayajna) enumerated in the dharma literature (religious teachings).

These Five Great Sacrifices are daily observances for a "twice-born" householder, that is, someone who was born into one of India's three "twice-born" groups—brahmin, kshatriya, or vaishya—and obtained the teenage religious initiation known as "second birth." Each of the five yajnas (sacrifices) is aimed towards a distinct class of creatures, ranging from the Absolute Reality to animals, and is gratified by diverse activities.

The pitryajna is aimed towards one's ancestors and is appeased by offering them water libations (tarpana).

Since the dharma literature was written, Hindu life has changed dramatically, and several of these five practices have been totally eliminated.

Pitryajna is still an important ritual in certain circumstances, such as pilgrimage destinations and ceremonial ceremonies for the deceased, although it is no longer done on a regular basis.