Hinduism - What Is Trial By Ordeal In Hindu Society?


Trial by Ordeal is one of the old methods for determining a person's guilt or innocence was via an ordeal.

Ordeals were seen to be a "divine" proof, but they could only be employed when human proofs like evidence or eyewitness testimony were insufficient or unavailable.

These trios proved crimes conducted in private or in isolated locations, issues of sexual consent, and money left for deposit by following a strict ritual protocol.

There were four options for the trial: fire, water, balance, or poison.

Carrying a red-hot iron ball, licking a red-hot plow share, or taking a ring or coin from a cauldron of boiling oil were all part of the fire experience, with guilt or innocence determined by whether or not one was burnt.

The water ordeal required staying underwater for a certain amount of time, with failure to do so determining guilt.

The balancing experience was carried out by a series of weighings, with the belief that a guilty individual would grow more heavier.

The poison experience was completed by either eating poison or carefully extracting a coin from a clay pot holding a cobra, with survival proving innocence.

There were also really severe rules about which of these ordeals specific individuals were permitted to do.

Women, the elderly, and the infirm were subjected to balancing tests, and brahmins were often prohibited from participating in poison ordeals.

Every time, the individual declaring his or her innocence was followed by remarks praising the saving power of truth and the damning force of lie.

Historians believe that the mandatory declarations aided in the reliability of the experience.

For example, a guilty per son may be substantially more apprehensive while licking a red-hot plowshare, resulting in less wetness on the tongue.

Similarly, a person's capacity to hold his breath may have been hampered by his fear throughout the water experience.

Whether or whether these theories are correct, the confidence in the power of truth itself was the most significant characteristic in the original Hindu setting.

Activating Organs: See also karmendriya.

~Kiran Atma

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