Hinduism - What Are Marriage Prohibition In Hindu Marriages?


Marriage Prohibitions are a set of laws that prohibit people from marrying one other.

Hindus, like other cultures, have well-defined norms and regulations about who one should marry and who one should not marry—marriages should be endogamous, or between members of the same social grouping (in this case, the jati).

Within this broader group, it is widely recognized that the bride and groom should not be from the same gotra or pravara—mythic lineages describing old sage ties.

The marriage of people with whom one had a sapinda relationship—common ancestry—was also prohibited.

The Sapinda connection ends after the seventh generation on the father's side and the fifth generation on the mother's side, according to one well-known code of law, the Mitakshara.

A legitimate marriage may be formed between people who have shared ancestors outside those bounds.

This sapinda formula was often disregarded, especially in portions of southern India, where marrying one's maternal uncle's daughter was not only acceptable, but encouraged.

While some dharma books criticize the practice as an abomination, others point out that it is a tradition unique to the south, where it is only authorized as part of the family's usual practice (kulachara).

Cross cousin marriage has a long history in southern India, and it is still practiced today.

There is also opinion among southern Indian brahmins that their tiny population—roughly 4% of the total—made it hard to locate brahmin wives under the tight criteria.

This ritual was judged less significant due to the conflicting imperatives of marrying other brahmins and adhering to lineage constraints.

Mars is a planet connected with action, conflict, and misfortune in Hindu astrology (jyotisha).

Mars is seen as a powerful but evil planetary force as a result of these links.

The day of the week controlled by Mars, Tuesday, is considered an unlucky day, and people commonly undertake rituals of protection to shield themselves from Mars's negative influence.

From 1901 until 1931, Marshall, Sir John, was Director General of the Archeological Survey of India (ASI).

Marshall obtained his British knighthood for discovering and excavating the towns of the Indus Valley civilization during his stint as director.

He also continued the work of his ASI predecessors, especially Sir Alexander Cunningham, in recording and cataloging India's ancient treasures.

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