

Hinduism - What Is Manas In Hindu Philosophy?

 (“mind”) Manas is one of the phases in the devolution of prakrti (primal matter), culminating in the world we see around us, in which human souls are subject to reincarnation, according to the metaphysics of the Samkhya school, one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy (samsara).

Manas develops from the ahamkar stage, which is characterized by a first feeling of Self and subjectivity.

The mind (manas) develops as a source of intellectual activity, which, when combined with this sense of subjectivity, gives rise to the concept of individual identity.

According to the Samkhyas, the growth of the individual's sense organs (jnanendriyas) and action organs (karmendriyas), as well as the subtle components (tanmatras) that are the source of the world's material things, occurs simultaneously with the formation of mental identity.

Manas became widely acknowledged as one of the five human sense organs, despite the fact that following philosophical systems essentially rejected Samkhya cosmology.

The manas detects mental items (ideas) in the same way as the eye and ears sense sight and sound, enabling the person to experience them.

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