

Hinduism - What Is The Mahabhashya?


 ("Excellent remark") Patanjali, the grammarian, wrote a commentary on Panini's Ashtadhyayi in the second century B.C.E.

Panini's work describes all forms of the Sanskrit language in detail and accuracy, and it became the norm for the language following his time.

Although the Ashtadhyayi is regarded as a masterpiece, the fact that it is composed as a succession of aphorisms or sutras seems to encourage more thorough interpretation.

Each of these aphorisms serves as a foundation for the ones that follow.

Panini's ultimate goal is to provide a comprehensive description of the language in the shortest amount of time feasible.

Patanjali not only expands and expounds Panini's grammar, but also provides some useful knowledge of his own.

The oldest known reference to the Greeks is found in the Mahabhashya.

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