

Hinduism - What Is The Kurmasana?


 (“tortoise-posture”) In Hindu iconography, one of the sitting positions (asanas) utilized in yoga; also a posture in which pictures of the deities are shown.

This position has the legs crossed with the feet tucked under the thighs and the crossed heels producing a hole around the scrotum, as described in commentaries on the Yoga Sutras.

The Kurmasana is occasionally shown at the foot of a statue by an actual sculpture of a tortoise, which serves as the basis on which the figure is set in Indian iconography.

This posture is described in modern yoga manuals as a sitting position in which the upper body is bent forward, with the arms extended sideways under the outstretched legs, giving the impression of a tortoise with a head, "shell" (the trunk), and four outstretched limbs.

Kurukshetra is the scene of the Mahabharata's final battle, which is the later of the two major Hindu epics.

This conflict is still spoken about as if it happened yesterday.

Kurukshetra is well known for its bathing (snana) facilities.

Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims go to a bathing pool during eclipses, when it is said to hold all of India's holy waters.

Kusha is one of the twin sons of Rama, the epic's protagonist, in the Ramayana, the earlier of the two major Indian epics.

Kusha is born in an unexpected manner after their mother, Sita, is exiled to the ashram of the guru Valmiki.

Sita brings her son Lava to the river to wash one day, and Valmiki realizes that the youngster has vanished, fearing that it has been kidnapped by a wild animal.

He constructs an identical kid out of kusha grass to spare Sita's motherly sentiments.

Sita's twin is given the name Kusha when he returns with Lava.

Lava and Kusha later accompany Valmiki to Rama's court at Ayodhya.

They first read the epic poem written by Valmiki, the Ramayana, at Rama's court.

Rama splits his kingdom between Lava and Kusha when he relinquishes his reign.

Kusha (also known as "Kusha Grass") is a kind of grass native to India.

Dvipa Kusha, or "Kusha grass," is the fourth of the seven concentric landmasses (dvipas) that make up the visible earth, according to legendary geography.

Also see cosmology.

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