Hinduism - What Is The Notion Of Hells Or Hell In Hindu Spirituality?

Apart from the apparent physical domain, Hinduism believes there are many other levels of existence.

The hells are one of these parallel planes of existence, and they are said to be locations of retribution for one's previous transgressions.

Traditional Hindu traditions depict the hells in considerable detail, often tying specific punishments to specific sins.

Life in hell, like life in paradise, is ultimately temporary, but the period of punishment is often characterized as excruciatingly lengthy and agonizing.

Even yet, after the punishment period has passed and one's terrible crimes have been atoned for, one will be reincarnated in a higher form.

Naturally, birth in any of the hells should be avoided if at all possible, which is why individuals are encouraged to conduct penances (prayashchitta) for their crimes while they are still alive, so that the repercussions of their misdeeds do not burden them in their subsequent lifetimes. 

You may also want to read more about Hinduism here.

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