Hinduism - How Prevalent Is Female Infanticide In Hindu Societies?


The habit of parents murdering their children is unusual and widely condemned.

These children are often illegitimate, and infanticide or abandonment is a way to escape the societal consequences of what is considered an unethical conduct.

In Hindu mythology, there are multiple instances of this behavior, the most well-known of which is Kunti.

The sage Durvasas has given Kunti a mantra that grants her the ability to conceive and carry offspring for the gods.

Kunti employs the mantra on the spur of the moment to conjure the Sun, through whom she conceives and carries her son Karna.

She puts the kid in a box and abandons him in the Ganges in her terror at becoming a mother unexpectedly—she was still unmarried and reasonably worried about what others may think.

In some circumstances, newborns are murdered by their parents as a result of the family's desperation.

Almost all of the children slain in these situations are daughters.

The parents would face a murder charge if they were caught.

However, if a kid was not delivered in a hospital, where births are properly documented, infanticide is generally difficult to establish.

Daughters are generally considered as a huge financial burden for impoverished families, since the cost of arranging their weddings is often more than they can afford.

The traditional Indian marriage arrangement, in which a family's sons bring their wives into the family home, perpetuate the joint family, and care for their parents in their old age, reinforces this attitude toward daughters.

Because daughters become members of their husband's family after marriage, they are sometimes seen as "temporary" residents in their parents' houses.

May You Be the Mother of a Hundred Sons, by Elizabeth Bumiller, was published in 1990.


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