Hinduism - Who Are The Danava?


("Danu's Descendants") Danu's sons with her husband, the heavenly sage Kashyapa, according to Hindu legend. 

Danu is the daughter of the demigod Daksha, hence their offspring have divine blood on both sides of their ancestry. 

Kashyapa is the leader of the Prajapatis, a class of semi-divine creatures, and Danu is the daughter of the demigod Daksha. 

Danava is a collective noun for all demon (supernatural entity) families, or more precisely, asuras. 

The asuras are strong divine entities with valid objectives of their own, but whose interests often conflict with those of humans and gods (devas). 

Asuras are usually seen as being antagonistic to the gods—a feeling of resistance conveyed by the English term "demon"—but they are not seen as being necessarily bad. 

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