Hinduism - What Is Diksha?

(“initiation”) The name is claimed to be derived from the verb dis, which means "to point out," and refers to a religious initiation including the receipt of hidden religious teachings. 

The teenage religious initiation known as upanayana, the ritualized "second birth" given on young males from the three "twice-born" groups—that is, brahmin (priestly), kshatriya (martial), or vaishya—has a distinct meaning than diksha (mercantile). 

Both are religious initiations that include the development of new abilities and rights. 

However, diksha is a religious initiation in which the novice receives hidden knowledge from a religious instructor (guru), generally in the form of spoken syllables known as mantras. 

Unlike upanayana, which occurs when a guy is adolescent, the timing of diksha is determined by a person's desire and preparation rather than their physical age. 

Diksha is a particularly significant idea in tantric ritual, as such customized initiations are the means of passing along the heritage from master to pupil. 

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