A group of Naga ascetics linked with the religious society (panth) founded by the western Indian poet-saint Dadu.
The Nagas are renunciant ascetics divided into many akharas, or regiments, based on an army concept.
The Nagas' major vocation until the early nineteenth century was as mercenary troops, while they also had significant commerce interests; both of these have mostly vanished in modern times.
The Dadupanthi Nagas march alongside the chatuh-sampradayi Nagas in the bathing (snana) processions during the Kumbha Mela celebrations ("Festivals of the Pot"), who are worshippers (bhakta) of the deity Vishnu but regarded independent of them.
According to legend, Sundardasa, one of Dadu's direct followers, founded the Naga part of the Dadupanth.
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