Hinduism - Who Was Chidvilasananda?


Chidvilasananda - (b. Malti Shetty, 1955) Swami Muktananda's successor as a modern Hindu teacher. 

Muktananda preached a form of spiritual discipline known as siddha yoga, or "adepts' discipline," which emphasizes chanting, meditation, study, and, most importantly, loyalty to one's spiritual teacher. 

SYDA (Siddha Yoga Dham America), the organization established by her guru, has Chidvilasananda as its present head and preceptor. 

Her parents and other family members became Muktananda's followers when she was a kid, and she devoted the rest of her life in his service, ultimately acting as his interpreter on his trips to America. 

Muktananda named her and her brother, Subhash (who subsequently adopted the name Nityananda), as his successors, but her brother quit the group a few years after Muktananda died. 

Chidvilasananda continues to travel between one ashram near Bombay called Ganeshpuri and ashrams and centers all over the globe. 


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