Herbs And Herbalism - False Hellebore
False Hellebore - Spring/Eye Pheasant's Adonis Ox-eye.
The name comes from the mythology of Adonis, who was slain by a wild boar and whose blood was used to create the plant.
- Several European pharmacopoeias still include it.
- A. vernalis, with yellow flowers, and A. annua, with red blooms, are the two kinds.
Description - Herb that grows year after year. 10-30 cm tall; sparsely branching, leaves abundant and well divided; solitary, terminal, bright yellow blooms in early spring.
- In temperate zones, it grows wild on occasion; it may also be cultivated in the garden.
- Cultivation Plant in moist soils in full sun or partial shade; blooms best in full sun.
- Rockeries are ideal for A. vernalis. It is impossible to transplant A. annua. Some variants with white or double flowers are grown.
Constituents - Cymarin is one of the glycosides.
- This recipe calls for dried herbs. A good heart tonic that isn't cumulative and isn't as poisonous as Digitali-. Coronary arteries are dilated.
- Because of the uneven absorption, it is not extensively utilized.
- Vermifuge.
Contra-indications - Even in tiny quantities, it is poisonous and should only be used by medical professionals.