Herbs And Herbalism Basics - What Is Herbal Medicine?


The physician does not learn everything he needs to know and master at school; from time to time, he must consult old women, gypsies, magicians, wayfarers, and all manner of peasant folk and random people, and learn from them; for these have more knowledge about such things than all the higher schools of learning combined. 

As a result, study every day without fail, examine and observe meticulously; disregard nothing, and don't put too much faith in yourself. 

Do not be arrogant while you are powerless, and do not think of yourself as a master at first; no one can acquire mastery without effort. 

Also, learn from people who have more experience than you, since no one can claim to be an expert on everything. 

Who can be everywhere at the same time and know where everything is? 

As a result, travel and experience everything, and whatever comes your way, accept it without contempt and without guilt. 
Because nature is so generous with her gifts, it is better for a man to know only one plant in the meadow, but to know it well, than to view the whole meadow and have no idea what grows there. 

Plant roots, stems, leaves, blossoms, or seeds are used to enhance health, prevent disease, and cure sickness in this system of medicine that has sustained and evolved since the dawn of humanity.

Herbal medicine is the study of pharmacognosy and the use of medicinal herbs, which forms the foundation of traditional medicine. 

  • As of today, there is little scientific evidence through research and clinical trials for the safety and effectiveness of plants used in 21st-century herbalism, which typically lacks purity and dose guidelines.

Herbal medications are mostly used for health promotion and treatment of chronic, rather than life-threatening, diseases. 

  • Traditional treatments, on the other hand, become more popular when mainstream medicine fails to cure a condition, such as advanced cancer or novel infectious infections.

Herbal medications are usually regarded as being both safe and effective. 

  • As a result, individuals are increasingly turning to herbal therapy, believing that plant treatments are devoid of harmful side effects. 
  • Medicinal herbs, on the other hand, may be poisonous whether consumed alone or in combination with other substances.

Table Of Contents


A few fundamental principles apply whether you want to tincture or dry your plants. 

  • Tree leaves should be collected before the summer solstice. 
  • After then, the natural pesticide content of the leaf is too high. 
  • On a dry day, when the blooms are just starting to open, leaves and blossoms are collected. 
  • They are dried in the shade at all times. 
  • Roots are usually harvested in the early spring or late autumn, when the plant has started to die back. 
  • The soft inner layer (cambium) between the sapwood and the dead outer bark, or the bark of the root, usually contains the required medicinal qualities. 


When Using Flowers or Leaves For approximately twenty minutes, steep two tablespoons per cup of water. 

  • Strain and keep in an airtight jar in the refrigerator. 
  • One-fourth of a cup is taken four times a day, not with meals. 
  • One-eighth cup is given to children, and babies may get the herbs via their mother's milk. 
  • When Using Twigs, Roots, Barks, and Seeds Cook for 20 minutes with two teaspoons of plant matter, filter, and store as directed. 
  • One-fourth cup, four times a day, not with meals is the recommended dosage. 
  • When kept in an airtight container, herbal teas will last for approximately a week in the refrigerator. 


The doses shown under each herb's "Herbal Uses" section are based on a 150-pound adult patient. 

  • Children under 75 pounds are given half of the recommended quantity. 
  • A quarter dosage is given to infants under 25 pounds, and newborns may obtain a dose via their mother's breast milk. 
  • One-quarter cup of formula or tea three or four times a day, not with meals, is the typical dosage. 


Comfrey, lavender, calendula, pine needles, aloes, elecampane root, burdock, and elderflowers are among the herbs that may be used to make salves. 

Summer is the best season to create a salve since the herbs are fresh and plentiful, but dried herbs may also be utilized. 

For their skin-healing and pain-relieving properties, I prefer to add green walnut hulls and entire, crushed horse chestnuts to the basic combination. 

  • In a big saucepan, simmer herbs in high quality olive oil. 
  • Melt and boil three to four teaspoons of fresh beeswax per cup of oil in a separate saucepan (the beeswax should be a golden color with a distinct honey smell). 
  • Fill the saucepan with just enough oil to cover the herbs. 
  • Cook for approximately 20 minutes with the herbs in the oil. 
  • Pour in the wax after the wax and oil have reached the same temperature. 
  • Pour into clean jars after straining. 
  • While the salve is still liquid, a tincture of benzoin (approximately one ounce per quart) may be added as a preservative, but it is not absolutely required. 
  • Having perfectly clean and dry jars and utensils is the most essential element in controlling mold. 
  • Boiling and thorough drying are typically all that is required. 
  • People who live in hot, humid areas may wish to add the tincture of benzoin as an additional precaution. 


Tinctures are produced by using a mortar and pestle (or a blender) to crush the leaves, roots, or other plant components and then barely covering them with high-quality vodka, whiskey, or grain alcohol. 

  • Add a little amount of glycerine (approximately two teaspoons per pint) and around 10% per volume of spring water after twenty-one days. 
  • Strain and store in sealed amber glass containers. 
  • Herbal tinctures should be stored in a cool, dry location for up to five years. 
  • Twenty drops in a cup of herb tea or warm water four times a day is the usual dosage. 
  • In severe or emergency circumstances, the dosage is given more often; for example, a dropperful every five minutes in the event of labor pains. 


To create a poultice, soak fresh or dried herbs in freshly boiled water until they are tender. 

  • To make the poultice stick together, combine them with just enough slippery elm powder. 
  • Wrap it in a clean cloth and place it on the afflicted area. 
  • Clear plastic wrap may be put around the poultice and cloth to prevent them from discoloration. 


A fomentation is a powerful herbal tea that is immersed in a clean cloth (the cloth can also be filled with herbs). 

  • After that, the cloth is put to the afflicted area. 


Syrups are prepared by boiling three pounds of Sucanat (dessicated sugar cane juice) in one pint of water until it reaches a syrupy consistency, then steeping the herbs for twenty minutes in the hot liquid. 

  • The herbs may also be cooked for approximately ten minutes in honey or maple syrup. 
  • For every cup of liquid, use two tablespoons of herb. 
  • Strain the syrup and keep it refrigerated in an airtight container.

You may also want to read more about Herbs, Herbalism, Herbal Magick, Herbal Healing, and Herbal Remedies here.