Yoga Asanas For Stress Relief - Paschima Baddha Hastasana - Mountain Pose With Rear Folded Arms

    Paschima baddha hastasaname means "hands folded at the back" in Sanskrit. 

    • Baddha is a Sanskrit word that meaning "bound" or "captured." 
    • This asana is a simplified form of Tadasana Paschima Namaskarasana, and it helps you prepare for the normal posture, which requires more flexibility and arm and back extension. 


    • Aids in the treatment of cervical spondylosis

    • Relieves arthritis of the shoulders, arms, wrists, and fingers

    • Strengthens knee joints and reducessciatic pain

    • Corrects flat feet 


    • If you have angina, stress-related headaches, a migraine, eyestrain, sleeplessness, low blood pressure, osteoarthritis of the knees, leukorrhoea, or bulimia, do not practice this asana. 
    • Keep your feet apart if you have a slipped disc. 
    • Keep the tips of your big toes together and your heels apart if you have a misplaced uterus. 
    • Keep your feet at least 25cm (10in) apart if you've had polio or have any balance issues. 


    1 Stand in Tadasana on an even, exposed surface in your bare feet. 

      • Hold your left arm slightly above the elbow and your right arm behind your back. 
      • Take your left arm behind your back and bend it. 
      • Imagine dragging the skin, muscles, and bones of your legs up to your waist by stretching both legs. 

    2 With your left hand, hold your right arm slightly above the elbow. 

      • You should have a strong but not too tight grip. 
      • Maintain a firm grip on your back with your forearms. Slightly turn your upper arms. 
      • Your elbows should be pushed back but not lifted. 
      • Hold the position for 20–30 seconds at first. 
      • Increase the length to 1 minute with practice. Breathing should be even all the way through.

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    You may also want to read more about Yoga Asanas and Exercises here.