Mindfulness - Creating A Healing Environment

It may be a difficult moment when you are suffering from a physical ailment. 

It's possible that your illness is unpleasant or even life-threatening. 

Perhaps your disease has left you unable to do basic tasks that you once took for granted, such as running up the stairs or caring for yourself alone. 

Illness has the ability to shake you to your core. 

What are your options for dealing with this? 

How can you develop inner strength to cope with the changes that occur without being overwhelmed and giving up hope? 

  • High amounts of stress, especially over a lengthy period of time, have been proven to deplete the immune system's power. 
  • Perhaps you caught the illness after a stressful time. 
  • According to research, caregivers who are under a lot of stress for a long time have a poorer immune system when it comes to illnesses like the flu. 
  • Because mindfulness lowers stress, it is a useful tool for coping with sickness. 
  • Reduced stress improves the efficiency of your immune system, which may assist speed up the recovery process from an illness, particularly if the disease is stress-related.
  • Mindfulness may help you feel better by reducing stress, worry, pain, and sadness, as well as increasing your energy, creativity, relationship quality, and general feeling of well-being. 

The more mindfulness you practice, the better: 

Monks who have practiced mindfulness their whole lives have levels of happiness in their brains that are much above what science believed was possible.

You may also want to read more about Mindfulness Meditation here.