Kundalini Yoga For Beginners


    1. Kundalini Yoga Practice For Beginners

    A typical Kundalini yoga session consists of three parts: an introductory chant (also known as "tuning in"), a short spine warm-up, a kriya (a series of postures combined with breathing exercises), and a closing meditation or song.

    1. Each kriya, which means "action" in Sanskrit, combines a physical posture with a breath or meditation. 

    • These poses may be whatever you desire depending on which area of your body you want to target, such as cobra position for your spine or warrior pose for your legs and glutes.
    • While various kriyas employ different breathing methods, Breath of Fire is one of the most prominent. 

      • It consists of short, rapid breaths (almost like a dog panting). 
      • Seal your lips and breathe in and out of your nostrils at a pace of two to three breaths per second to perform Breath of Fire. 
      • Expel the air in strong bursts when you breathe to activate your core.

    2. Kundalini yoga also incorporates chanting and singing. 

    • During your practice, you may repeat an infinite number of mantras and songs, but most courses begin with the Adi Mantra, which means "I bow to the subtle divine knowledge, the divine teacher within." Sat Nam, which means "I am truth," is another mantra you'll hear in a Kundalini class.

    3. A meditation-heavy kundalini session is also on the cards for beginners, 

    • Each set of Kundalini yoga postures includes movement, breathing techniques, awareness, and recitation of a mantra. 
    • You'll have a minute or two between poses to relax and concentrate within. 
    • After the whole sequence, there is a relaxation, then a meditation, and finally a mantra before class ends.

    4. NOTE: While you are not required to wear all white, it is customary in Kundalini. 

    • Because the color white is believed to fend off bad energy and expand your own aura, it's a good idea to wear it. 
    • To confine the energy inside the body, teachers often wear a white head covering such as a hat, scarf, or turban.

    While anybody may practice Kundalini yoga (unless they have a pre-existing medical issue), this form of yoga is particularly beneficial for those who want to combine a spiritual practice with a physical exercise.

    • Although Kundalini yoga is a demanding practice, its physical and mental advantages make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced yogis. 
    • There's a reason the discipline has exploded in popularity, attracting everyone from yoga aficionados to celebrities.

    2 Kundalini Yoga Asanas For Beginners

    1. Padmasana - Pose of the Lotus



    A fundamental sitting posture is the Lotus. It helps expand your hips, so if you have stiffness in this region, it may be tough. If you have hip issues, move carefully and avoid the position.

    To do the lotus posture, follow these steps:

      • Sit with your legs outstretched on the floor. 
      • Keep your spine in a neutral position.
      • As though you were going to sit in a cross-legged posture, bend your knees outward and bring your feet closer to your torso.
      • Your left foot should be on top of your right thigh. 
      • Then, on top of your left thigh, put your right foot.
      • Unless your teacher instructs you to perform pranayama, inhale and exhale deeply while in Lotus.

    2. Bhujangasana - Pose of a Cobra

    The Kundalini energy is believed to be activated in this posture. Here's how to go about it:

      • Lie down on your stomach, pushed together, with your legs and feet. 
      • The tops of your feet should be pressed on the floor.
      • Placing your hands under your shoulders is a good idea. 
      • Ensure that your fingers are facing forward and that your elbows are parallel.
      • Inhale. Raise your head and torso off the floor, pushing your lower body down.
      • Raise your chest and stomach by straightening your arms.
      •  Pull your shoulders back and down.
      • Hold Cobra for up to 30 seconds with deep breathing. 
      • Return to the starting posture after exhaling.

    3. Danur Asana -Pose of an Archer

    Archer is said to instill confidence and make you feel like a warrior. To do this posture, follow these steps:

      • With your feet together, stand up straight. Rotate your right foot 45 degrees outward.
      • Straighten your leg by stepping back with your right foot. 
      • Bend your left knee, but don't let it reach beyond your left foot.
      • Raise your arms to shoulder level. 
      • Make fists with both hands and raise your thumbs.
      • Rotate to the left with your upper body. 
      • Bend your right elbow and raise your right fist to your right armpit at the same time.
      • Hold this posture for 2 to 3 minutes, looking ahead and breathing deeply.
      • Then swap sides and hold for another 2 to 3 minutes while breathing deeply, with your left leg back and your left arm bent.

    3. Elements Of Kundalini Yoga 

    Long Deep Breathing is the most frequent breath utilized in Kundalini Yoga, and it involves breathing slowly and deeply in and out via the nose while expanding and compressing the stomach on the inhale and exhale.

    • To assist create or release particular energy, each meditation and kriya has an unique breath and posture. 
    • Breath of Fire is one of Kundalini Yoga's most popular and well-liked breathwork techniques.
    •  Breathing quickly equal parts in and out through the nose while pumping your stomach to produce oxygen in your blood and charge your electromagnetic field is known as breath of fire. 
    • When you're worried or overloaded, breathwork is a wonderful skill to have. 
    • To relieve anxiety, we utilize Long Deep Breathing with our left hand over our heart and right hand over our stomach.

    4. Kundalini Yoga  Mantras

    Chants and sound, often known as mantras, have the ability to trigger a chemical response in the brain and body, thus improving your mood. 

    • The emotions we experience, such as pleasure, joy, and sorrow, all have a particular frequency. 
    • We may harness the good force of a mantra by repeating it, whether it's for peace, plenty, or success.
    • Chanting a mantra causes your body to resonate at that frequency, raising your mood to higher vibrations and resulting in a more prosperous and high-vibe state of mind. 
    • You don't have to be sitting in meditation to utilize mantras; you may say them while sleeping or driving, and the energy of the holy tones and sounds will permeate your area, drawing that energy into reality. 
    • We like the mantra for success and wealth in which we repeat "har" (pronounced "HUD") for prosperity.

    5. Kundalini Yoga Kriyas

    You have a kriya—or a series of exercises—when you combine breath, posture, and sounds. 

    • Kriya is a Sanskrit word that meaning "activity," and it is via a particular set of acts and dedication that manifestation may occur. 
    • Kriyas act on all levels of your mind, body, and spirit to help you live a healthy, rich, and vibrant life. 
    • The Kriya for Balancing the Aura, which works fast and efficiently to defend your energy field, increase physical endurance, and raise your vitality, is one kriya you can do today.

    6. Kundalini Yoga Mudras

    Mudras are hand postures that lock and guide energy into various areas of the brain. 

    • Thousands of years ago, yogis used precise hand positions to map out the hands and how they are linked to various areas of the brain and body. 
    • To activate the energy, we always utilize a finger-to-finger placement and push down.

    The Gyan mudra, which utilizes the thumb and index fingers to promote understanding, is the most frequent mudra in Kundalini yoga. 

    • This mudra is made by pressing the thumb and index finger together firmly, which stimulates the tips of the fingers.
    • Jupiter, which symbolizes expansion, is linked with the index finger. You will feel receptivity and tranquility in this mudra. 
    • Unless another active form is provided, we utilize this passive but strong form.

    Another popular and efficient mudra is one that opens communication barriers, which may be useful in a variety of situations, from a first date to a nerve-wracking business meeting. 

    • For one minute, press the pad of the thumb on the Mercury (pinky) finger's nail. 
    • This enables you to have the inner courage to convey all you need. After that, gently press your thumb on your pinky finger to match your communication energy with your ego.

    7. Kundalini Meditation For Beginners

    Kundalini Yoga meditations have a releasing and healing effect. 

    • The energy you release or create during meditation may make you feel completely woken, heightened, and moved. 
    • Kundalini yoga meditations are done at various durations to produce different effects. 
    • A 3-minute meditation has an effect on the body's electromagnetic field and blood circulation, while an 11-minute meditation starts to impact the neurological and glandular systems. 
    • A 31-minute meditation has an impact on all cells, bodily rhythms, and the subconscious mind.

    The following is a basic and easy meditation that you may do on your own to get a sense of how Kundalini might influence your mind, body, and emotions. 

    • This meditation offers you a burst of energy, making it a wonderful exercise for when you first get up in the morning or if you're feeling tired and depleted in the middle of the day. 
    • This meditation may revitalize your concentration, coordination, and spirit by bringing in fresh, bright energy. 
    • If you're weary, do this meditation followed by a gentle Savasana (Corpse Pose).

    The following is a step-by-step Kundalini meditation:

    • 1. Sit with your legs crossed and your spine straight in a comfortable position. 
    • 2. Place your hands together, fingers pointing up, in prayer position at the middle of your chest.
    • 3. Close your eyes and concentrate your attention on the brow point, which is the place between your eyebrows and up a little, where your third eye or 6th chakra is situated.
    • 4. As you inhale, your breath will be split into four equal pieces.
    • 5. After taking four equal breaths in, hold the breath for a few seconds and then exhale, splitting the outgoing breath into four equal pieces again and holding out for a few seconds.
    • 6. Pull your navel point toward your spine with each inhale and exhale. It takes approximately 7–8 seconds for each breath cycle to complete.

    • NOTE: This meditation should be done for 3–5 minutes at a time. 
      • We like to include the mantra Sa Ta Na Ma in this meditation, and we recommend that you do so if your mind is racing or your ideas are distracting you. 
      • “Infinity, Life, Death, and Rebirth” is what Sa Ta Na Ma signifies. 
      • This mantra will assist you in concentrating your thoughts and eventually link you to your greatest and most authentic self.

    8. Conclusion

    Other forms of yoga are less spiritual than Kundalini yoga. 

    • Unlike other forms of yoga, Kundalini yoga incorporates chanting, singing, motions, and breathing into precise sequences. 
    • The goal is to help people achieve spiritual enlightenment.
    • Kundalini yoga has a number of scientifically validated advantages. 
    • It may help relieve tension and anxiety, enhance cognitive performance, and increase self-perception and self-appreciation, according to studies.
    • Whether you're pregnant, have respiratory difficulties, an injury, joint discomfort, or balance concerns, see your doctor to see if Kundalini yoga is right for you.

    You may also want to read more about Kundalini Yoga here.