Prana Mudras are a set of hand gestures that are used to communicate with the The set of Mudras employed in Pranayama Yoga for the regulation of the different lobular segments of the lungs is one of the most surprising instances of how Hasta Mudras really regulate physical functions of the body.
The lung has three lobes or areas:
- an inferior, lower abdomen lobe;
- a middle intra-costal, between-ribs lobe;
- and a high, apical, clavicular or superior lobe.
Except in extremely rare instances, the left lung contains just two lobes: the high and low.
The heart's location in the standing posture, which we have chosen in our human stage of evolution, has caused the middle lobe to atrophiate. Each of these three lobes is governed by or controls the other.
Each of these lobes is controlled by a section of the brain called Apraakasha Bindu.
The respiratory center is divided into 3 areas,
- The lower area is called the Chin Bindu.
- The mid area is known as the Chinamaya Bindu.
- The upper most area is called the Adhi Bindu which governs the clavicular or high breathing.
Chin Mudra
Impulses of an autonomic nature arise from the lower area of this vegetative part of the brain, sending nerve impulses through the phrenic nerve. This pair of nerves excites diaphragmic breathing.
The Yoga term for diaphragmic breathing is Adham Pranayama. The Mudra to control this area is called Chin Mudra.
Conscious impulses from the cerebral cortex on top of the brain arouse impulses in the Apraakasha Birtdu's mid section, sending signals for mid-chest breathing through the Vayus or Pncumogastric nerves.
This Mudra controlling abdominal breathing is done by joining together the tip of the thumb and the first finger in a perfect circle.
- The other three fingers are kept rigidly outstretched and together.
- Both hands are turned palms down
- Onto the thighs of the legs, with the fingers turned inwards.
- The right hand turned up is to demonstrate the Mudra only. It should be turned down also to control complete breath into the abdominal lobes alone.
Chinmaya Mudra
Madhyant Pranayama is regulated by the use of Chinmaya Mudra and is also known as mid-chest breathing.
- Impulses from the cerebral cortex of the conscious part of the brain transmit mental impulses into the top section of the breathing center, which command apical breathing in the superior or high region of the lungs.
Adhi Mudra
The Adhi Mudra is a mudra used to regulate chest breathing.
Shunya Mudra
By using the proper Mudra with one hand while the Shunya Mudra is gestured with the other, each lobe of the lungs may be expanded and deflated separately, one from the other.
- Only one lobe at a time will inflate, and the hands may be reversed a few times to observe the movement of air from side to side in the proper region of the lungs.
Brahma Mudra
The entire breath is done using Brahma Mudra. The Apraakasha Bindu, the brain's respiratory center, is controlled by the Brahma Mudra.
- When this Brahma Mudra is utilized for a deep, full breath, such as Mahat Yoga Pranayama, the low lobes inflate first, followed by the mid lobes, and lastly the high lobes, in a slow, sequential breath.
- It's worth noting that the Sanskrit term "Brahma" literally means "breath" in its original form.
These Hastha Mudras, known to our ancient Yoga Rishis for breath control, are just a few of the hundreds of Mudras used in Yoga and Tantra for body and function control, emotional and mental balancing, and arousing control and culmination of the Kundalini Shakti into the Supreme Union, "Self with Self."
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