BENEFITS: Improved Balance, Mental Clarity, Focus, and Circulation
Kumbhaka, or breath retention, is added to this balanced version of Ujjayi.
- You'll next insert brief gaps between breaths as directed here once you've established an even breathing pattern.
- You begin to establish the circumstances for the mind to become quiet when you deliberately stop the breath.
1. Set a 10-minute timer for yourself.
2. Close your eyes and relax your body in a comfortable sitting position with your spine upright.
3. Pay attention to the feeling of breath at the back of your throat.
4. As you inhale and exhale, gently constrict the glottis, or back of the throat, to produce a quiet hissing or ocean-like sound. It sounds like a faint snoring most of the time. With the music, take long, slow, deep breaths in and out.
5. Inhale for a count of six and expel for a count of six for five rounds, keeping the breath audible.
6. A count of breath takes around a second, or about the time it takes to recite " m." For a count of six, inhale loudly.
7. While doing Jalandhara Bandha, keep your breath in by tightening your chin into your throat for three counts.
8. For a count of six, exhale loudly.
9. Pull up Mula Bandha by squeezing the base of the body upward for three counts while holding your breath out.
10. Repeat steps 6–9 for a total of 5 minutes.
11. Let go of the method and pay attention to how it affects your body and mind. Allow your eyes to open slowly.
12. Keep a journal of your experience, recording any strange feelings, progress, or obstacles.
TIPS: Holding your breath is not a race, and you should not try to hold it for as long as possible with this method. Stick to the set beat, even if it seems slight. If holding your breath in or out causes anxiety or discomfort, skip the holds today.
You may also want to read more about Pranayama and Holistic Healing here.