Pranayama - Kapalbhati - Intermediate Version



The rounds of exercise are extended in this intermediate version of Kapalabhati, toning your belly and purifying your respiratory system of pollutants. 

  • At the same time, this method illuminates the brain and mind, allowing access to more clear intuition and other people's views. 

1. Close your eyes and relax your body in a comfortable sitting position with your spine upright. 

2. Use Gyan Mudra or Anjali Mudra if you want to amp up the energetic impact. For 1 minute, bring your focus to your belly and sense your breath moving there.

3. Inhale deeply through both nostrils, allowing your abdomen to expand, and then exhale rapidly and forcefully through both nostrils, allowing your navel to draw back into your spine. 

4. Allow the belly to expand rapidly yet passively (as if it were a balloon inflating) and then quickly exhale through both nostrils, feeling the abdomen snap back.

5.This technique's physical involvement is comparable to blowing out a candle, except with your mouth closed and vigorous exhalation and passive inhalation via the nostrils. 

6. Keep in mind that your body mobility is limited to your abdomen. This method will make you dizzy if you breathe in your chest. Step 3 should be repeated for a total of 54 quick breaths. 

7.  If you're dizzy, it's possible that you're breathing too quickly. Slow down your practice and use less power. Relax the practice after 54 breaths, allowing your breath to adapt and noting any feelings for a few minutes. 

8. Steps 3 and 4 should be repeated twice more (for a total of three rounds), with a brief pause in between rounds to detect any sensations. 

9. Sit quietly for 3 minutes and observe how the exercise makes you feel.

10.  Light in your head, warmth in your belly, and space in your lungs are all possible sensations. 

11. Keep a journal of your experience, recording any unusual feelings, progress, or obstacles. 

TIPS: At least 2 hours after eating, practice this method. If you're pregnant, have a heavy menstrual cycle, or have uncontrolled high blood pressure, you should probably avoid this method.

You may also want to read more about Pranayama and Holistic Healing here.