Pranayama - Bhastrika On The Go - Intermediate Version



A slow, forceful inhale and expiration from the belly is known as rolling Bhastrika Pranayama. 

This version involves moving your spine flexibly, like a snake, to awaken the body and stimulate the chakras. Give this method a try if you're stiff, particularly in the cold of winter. 

1. Close your eyes and relax your body in a comfortable sitting position with your spine upright. Place your hands on your knees, facing down, and gently hold them. 

2. Focus your attention on your belly for one minute, feeling your breath move there. 

3. Inhale deeply through your nose, feeling your abdomen expand. 

4. Exhale deeply through your nose, allowing your belly to expand and your navel to shrink toward your spine. 

5. Repeat steps 3–4 for a total of ten rounds. 

6. Next, rock backward slightly as you lower your chin, feel the chest compress backward, and feel the spine bend and the navel pull toward your spine until all the air is expelled out of your body with a strong exhale. 

7. Inhale and rock forward, raising your chin, feeling your chest expand and rise and your belly fill, without holding your breath. 

8. Complete 20 cycles of steps 6 and 7, moving the spine forward and backward as you fill and empty the body. Slow down your activity and breathing if you start to feel dizzy. 

9. Let go of the method and sit tall for 2 to 3 minutes, noting any feelings. Allow the eyes to open slowly. 

10. Keep a journal of your experience, recording any strange feelings, progress, or obstacles. 

TIPS: It's a good idea to practice the movement separately from the breath to get the sensation into your body whenever you mix your breath and movement. Feel the spine snake forward and backward a few times before beginning this exercise. At least 2 hours after eating, practice this method. If you're pregnant, have a heavy menstrual cycle, or have uncontrolled high blood pressure, you should probably avoid this method.

You may also want to read more about Pranayama and Holistic Healing here.