A Fetch is a wraithlike ghost is frequently referred to as a "double," "doppelganger," or "shadow soul" in horror literature.
- The fetch is a human soul that may be taught to leave the body, travel, and return while the shaman is entranced, according to Nordic shamanism.
- The fetch appears literally, generally in the shape of a little bug or animal, such as flies, mice, butterflies, or cats, and is more than merely dream-journeying.
- The fetch might sometimes resemble the shaman's twin, thus the terms "double" and "shadow."
- The fetch might represent an individual's animal soul, and the acquiring of many animal forms might constitute shamanic power exhibitions.
- Transformational fairy tales might be references to the fetch.
ANIMALS: Nahual, Transformation;
FAIRY TALES: Benandanti, Garaboncias, Kresnik, Táltos.
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