Hinduism And Hindu Theology - Who Is Ahalya?

Ahalya is the wife of the sage Gautama in Hindu mythology. 

  • Gautama's curse turns her into stone, but she is subsequently brought back to life by touching the deity Rama's foot. 
  • The deity Indra, who has a desire for Ahalya, is responsible for Gautama's curse. 
  • When Gautama walks to the river to bathe (snana), Indra assumes Gautama's body and travels to Ahalya with the intention of making love to her.
  • Whether Ahalya is aware of her lover's identity varies according to the accounts—in some, she is pleased by Indra's attention, while in others, she is truly misled. 
  • As a punishment for his desire, Gautama curses Ahalya to become a stone and Indra to have a thousand vaginas on his body. 
  • Gautama is eventually persuaded to change the curses such that Ahalya would stay a stone until Rama's foot touches her, and Indra will be covered in a thousand eyes instead. 

This tale mainly demonstrates the sages' ability to curse even the gods, but the various versions also show differing beliefs about women's character.

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