Chair Yoga - Uttanasana Or Ardha Uttanasana

Uttanasana and Adho Mukha Svanasana are prepared by Ardha (half) Uttanasana. Beginners who have difficulty bending from the pelvis and prefer to bend from the lumbar area should practice this position before trying full Uttanasana. 

Bending from the lumbar is dangerous since it compresses the vertebra in this area; hence, the chair is used. Stand at the right distance from the chair, extend the arms up to Urdhva Hastasana, and then bend forward. 

Variation 1: 

Outer wrists on the backrest 

  • Place the outside wrists, palms facing each other, on the backrest of the chair. 
  • Lift the arches and kneecaps; open the back of the knees; turn the upper thighs in, and so on. 
  • This simple variation serves to train the legs by raising the arches and kneecaps; opening the back of the knees; turning the upper thighs in, and so on. 
  • It also helps to stretch and concave the back. 

Variation 2: 

Chin on the Backrest 

  • Lifting and holding the chin allows the back to concave and the front spine and neck to extend wider.
  •  Before arching the neck, make sure the spine is extended forward, concaved, and the trapezius muscle is moved away from the neck. 

Variation 3: 

Resting the forehead on the bolster 

By resting the forehead on a soft support, the brain is able to relax deeply. 

Variation 4: 

Resting on the backrest 

  • Stand facing the backrest of the chair and extend the legs apart until the front groins reach the height of the backrest (use a blanket for cushioning). 
  • Lower the head and set the forehead on the seat by bending forward and using the backrest's support to stretch the trunk forward. 
  • Tall persons should extend their legs more apart and relax, making the position similar to Prasarita Padottanasana. 

Variation 5: 

Opens the shoulders 

  • A helper might provide traction to the shoulders to encourage mobility and opening. 
  • The assistant takes a seat in the chair. 
  • In Ardha Uttanasana, the practitioner bends forward, lays his or her shoulders on the thighs of the helper, interlocks his or her fingers with arms spread behind his or her back, and hooks the palms around the helper's neck. 
  • The assistant softly pushes the practitioner's shoulder blades in (towards the floor), moves the upper back skin into the middle back, and bends backward to offer traction to the shoulders. 

Note: When supporting, the helper must be careful and vigilant to avoid overstretching the practitioner.

You may also want to read more about Chair Yoga here.

You may also want to read more about Yoga here.

You may also want to read more about Yoga Asanas and Exercises here.