What Is Lambika Yoga?

    Lambika Yoga is a kind of Yoga in which the tongue is turned inside out and the tip of the tongue is placed in the lambika vivara.

    • This technique is known as khechari mudra.
    • In Sanskrit, the tongue is called jivha or kala.
    • Lambika means "soft palate" in Sanskrit.

    Challenges, And Incremental Stages In Performing Lambika Yoga.

    The bottom half of our tongue is tied at its base by a band of muscles called the frenum, which restricts its movement. In Sanskrit, it's known as Sirabandha. 

    So it's nonsensical to expect an understudy of Lambika Yoga to achieve depression over the sensitive sense of taste until the frenulum is removed and the tongue is completely free to move.

    • Over the course of a half year, the frenulum is severed continually using a sharp cutting device.

    The Hatha Yoga Pradipika depicts a specific approach for severing the frenulum. (III 32-37)

    In today's world, it's highly likely that it'll be cut by a little medical treatment, and the lesion will heal in 3-4 days; after the sirabandha has been properly sliced, the tip of the tongue may be twisted backwards and upwards till it reaches the lambika vivara.

    What Is The Origin And Meaning Of The Term Lambika?

    Lambika refers to a sensitive sense of taste in Sanskrit. 

    Talu is another Sanskrit term meaning sensitive palate.

    • There is a hollow gap above the soft palate.
    • Lambika Vivara is the name of the system.

    According to the Jyotsn 3.73 (Cf. Gorakaataka 14 and Svtmrma's Hathapradpik 3.72), Lambik () [=Lambhik] refers to the "tongue" (may possibly indicate the soft palate or uvula) signifying one of the sixteen vital centers of the body (i.e., dhra).

    • — Dhra refers to a vital spot of the body, a seat of essential function in Hahayoga.

    The dhras are listed as [e.g., lambik (tongue),...] in Jyotsn verse 3.73, which is credited to Goraka.

    • The Hathapradpik mentions sixteen dhras without naming or explaining what they are.
    • The Gorakaataka also mentions sixteen dhras as being something the Yogi should be aware of, but it does not identify them.

    Lambika Yoga Benefits:

    • Lambika Yoga is said to aid the practitioner in overcoming the venomous effects of snake bites, scorpion bites, and other deadly bites. 
    • It is kings of kings to all most strong mudras, and without a guidance, do not practice this most dangerous mudra.
    • It is said by yogis of yore, that he who does this Mudra would not be hungry or thirsty. He has the ability to walk into the clouds. He has a good handle on his Prana.
    • Yogis keep it a secret. It bestows wonderful Siddhis, or abilities. It is very beneficial in terms of mind control.
    • The one who achieves perfection in this Mudra becomes a skywalker. This Siddhi, or strength, was possessed by Queen Chudala.

    • The practice of this Mudra will favor those who possess purity and other sacred virtues, are free of ambition, envy, and lust, and are endowed with dispassion, discrimination, and a deep desire or longing for salvation.

    • The Mudra assists the Yogi in burying himself under the earth.

    • Lambika Yoga is supposed to provide the expert with several exceptional powers, including the ability to overcome the noxious effects of snakebites, nibbles from other poisonous critters and plants, and poisons produced by persons.

    • Hatha Yoga Pradipika Khechari Mudra of Lambika Yoga, according to Hatha Yoga Pradipika, aids in the treatment of dreaded ailments and the onset of old age.

    According to Hatha Yoga Pradipika III 38–44, Lambika Yoga's Khechari mudra aids in conquering feared ailments and old age.

    • It contributes to a longer life span.
    • Cravings, thirst, and sleep may all be controlled by the expert.
    • Lambika yoga is a rejuvenation science.
    • It supports excellent health and lifespan.
    • It relieves mental and physical exhaustion.
    • It boosts the immune system and aids in illness prevention.
    • It helps with vision, hearing, and speaking.
    • It aids in the relief of severe aches and pains.
    • It is beneficial to digestion.
    • It aids with blood circulation.
    • Many ailments, including arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, and cancer, are cured by it.

    Lambika yoga empowers individuals to take charge of their life.

    • They find fulfillment in their deepest wants, contentment in their deepest satisfactions, and peace of mind in their deepest peace of mind.
    • They become content, contented, and capable.
    • They gain the ability to find meaningful job, live independently, and have close connections with others.

    Lambika yoga is a spiritual discipline as well as a physical science.

    • The science of rejuvenation and healing isn't dependent on outdated dietary guidelines or animal sacrifices.
    • It's a scientific system founded on real-world experience.
    • It instructs on what to eat, how to eat, and what to avoid in order to maintain excellent health.
    • It teaches you how to relax, sleep better, and boost your energy and endurance.

    Lambika yoga is a kind of therapeutic yoga.

    • It uses food, nutrition, exercise, breathing, and meditation to treat the body in a scientific method.
    • It uses yoga and meditation, prayer, animal sacrifices, and good actions to treat the mind in a practical method.

    Lambika Yoga Misconceptions. It is not a mystical or esoteric practice.

    • It makes no attempt to transform you into a Buddha.
    • It has no effect on your aging process.
    • It has no effect on your natural urges.
    • It doesn't take away your right to have sex.
    • It also doesn't need you to give up your culture.

    Lambika Yoga is the practice of Khechari Mudra. 

    This Yoga has a lot of challenges. This is a tough Yoga pose and practice to sustain. 

    It must be learned under the guidance of an experienced Yogi Guru who has been practicing this Yoga for a long time and has achieved complete success.

    • The significant Mudras are Khechari Mudra, Yoni Mudra or Shanmukhi Mudra, Sambhavi Mudra, Asvini Mudra, Maha Mudra, and Yoga Mudra. 
    • Khechari Mudra is the most significant of these Mudras. It reigns supreme among the Mudras. 
      • Mudra is the Sanskrit word for "seal." It binds the mind and Prana together. A Yogi has power of both his mind and his Prana.

    Chhedan and Dohan are two important Kriyas in the Khechari Mudra.

    • Once a week, the frenum lingua, the lower half of the front portion of the tongue, is sliced to a hair's breadth with a sharp knife. 
    • After that, it's dusted with turmeric powder.
    • After that, the Yogic student butters his tongue and lengthens it on a regular basis. He makes a motion with his tongue that resembles the act of milking a cow's udder. Dohan is my name.
    • The student folds the tongue, pulls it out, and seals the posterior part of the nostrils until it is long enough (it can meet the tip of the nose). 
    • He is now sitting and meditating. The breath comes to a full halt.

    NOTE: The cutting and lengthening of the tongue is not needed for certain people. They have a long tongue from birth.

    Kiran Atma

    References And Further Reading.

    • Urban, Hugh B. “Elitism and Esotericism: Strategies of Secrecy and Power in South Indian Tantra and French Freemasonry.” Numen 44, no. 1 (1997): 1–38.
    • Narasimhia, A. N. “KĀŚAKṚTSNA ŚABDAKALĀPA DHĀTUPĀṬHAḤ.” Bulletin of the Deccan College Research Institute 19, no. 1/2 (1958): 155–235.
    • Van Ness, Peter H. “YOGA AS SPIRITUAL BUT NOT RELIGIOUS: A PRAGMATIC PERSPECTIVE.” American Journal of Theology & Philosophy 20, no. 1 (1999): 15–30.
    • Agte, Vaishali V., and Shashi A. Chiplonkar. “Linkage of Concepts of Good Nutrition in Yoga and Modern Science.” Current Science 92, no. 7 (2007): 956–61.


    What Is Lamika Yoga?

    Lambika Yoga is a kind of Yoga in which the tongue is turned inside out and the tip of the tongue is placed in the lambika vivara. This technique is known as khechari mudra. In Sanskrit, the tongue is called jivha or kala. Lambika means "soft palate" in Sanskrit.

    What is the best way to get Khechari Mudra?

    Stage 1 Soft Palate to Uvula Khechari Mudra:

    • The tongue may not be able to reach the hard palate at first. You may glide your tongue up to the soft palate by imitating swallowing. Repeat this process at least 3-4 times until your tongue is comfortable resting on the soft palate. You might also try sliding your tongue farther into your mouth.

    What are the advantages of using the Khechari Mudra?

    It aids in the overcoming of thirst, hunger, and sleepiness.
    There is no sickness, deterioration, or death in the practitioner / yogi.
    It strengthens the immune system and transforms the body into something holy.
    The yogi develops resistant to poison and snake bites, according to Gheranda Samhita and Hatha Yoga Pradeepika.

    What is tongue yoga, exactly?

    Khecari mudra is a hatha yoga exercise in which the tongue tip is curled back into the mouth until it reaches over the soft palate and into the nasal canal.