


In Hatha Yoga, this is an essential Yogic Kriya. To achieve complete success in this Kriya, you would need to put in a lot of effort. 

This act is performed by a small number of individuals who are specialists in it. Yogic students draw water first from a silver tube (specially made catheter) inserted 12 inches into the urethra.

They draw milk after enough practice, then oil, honey, and so on. In the end, they drew mercury. 

They will be able to pull these liquids straight into the urethra without the need of the silver conduit in the future. This Kriya is extremely beneficial for maintaining complete Brahmacharya. 

The catheter can only be inserted into the urethra for one inch on the first day, two inches on the second day, three inches on the third day, and so on.

You'll need to practice before you can send 12 inches of the catheter inside. The path opens up and becomes smooth and winding. Raja Bhartrihari possessed exceptional dexterity in performing this Kriya.

Even a single drop of sperm cannot escape the Yogi who performs this Mudra. And if it has been discharged, he will reclaim it with this Mudra. Death is defeated by the Yogi who gathers and protects his sperm. His body emits a pleasant odor.

This Kriya was perfected by Varanasi's late Trilingaswami. This Mudra is taught by Sri Swami Kuvalayanandaji of Lonavala.

Mayurasana is also known as Vajroli Mudra. Yoni Mudra is another name for Vajroli Mudra. Yoni Mudra, on the other hand, is defined separately.

The aim of Vajroli Mudra is to achieve perfection in Brahmacharya. When aspirants use this Mudra, their minds are unwittingly diverted to sexual centers, and they are unable to achieve success. 

When you read the definition of this Mudra, it will become clear that strict Brahmacharya is needed. There is no need for a woman or other physical contact in order to practice this. 

Since the Grihasthas have wives and believe that Vajroli Mudra is a birth-control system, they have a strong desire to practice this Mudra. They haven't grasped the strategy or the intent of this crucial Kriya.

Mula Bandha, Maha Bandha, Maha Mudra, Asanas, Pranayamas, and other yoga practices can automatically help you learn and succeed at Vajroli. This must be carried out under the supervision of a Guru.

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