Spiritual ways to Avoid Physical Illness


God's material rules must be obeyed. 

Don't eat too much. Many people use a knife and fork to dig their graves. Few people die of hunger; the majority die of greed. Follow God's sanitary laws. 

Although mental cleanliness is preferable than physical cleanliness in terms of keeping the mind pure, the latter is as vital and should not be overlooked. 

However, don't live by such strict hygiene rules that even minor deviations from your routine irritate you. 

Preventing waste in the body through proper activity and knowledge of physical energy conservation, as well as supplying the body with an endless supply of Life Current through Yoga practices. 

Yoga techniques charge the bodily cells with Life Energy. Proper exercise can help to prevent artery hardening. Save your heart from overworking; fear, anger, and other emotions raise your heart rate. Calmness can reduce the heartbeat or work of the heart. By using the Yoga technique, you may give your heart a rest and cultivate calm and tranquilly. 

If we calculate the amount of blood expelled by each contraction of the heart's ventricles at f our ounces, the total weight of blood moved in one minute is eighteen pounds. It will be roughly 12 tons per day; four thousand tons per year. The heart puts in a tremendous amount of effort, as seen by these data. 

The remainder of the body's organs function throughout the day and rest at night while sleeping. The heart, however, continues to beat even when you are sleeping. According to medical research, the heart receives rest during its diastole stage of expansion, which lasts roughly nine hours out of the 24 hours in a day. 

This is not a period of rest, but rather a moment of preparation for the systole movement. Because the vibrations created by ventricular contraction echo through the heart's tissues during relaxation, the heart cannot be considered to be at rest. The heart's daily and nightly effort generates significant wear and tear, and degradation continues until the heart is fully worn out and death occurs. 

Learn to sleep the great sleep (conscious experience of death), in which all involuntary motion organs, including the heart, are resting. When one can consciously control and rest the motion of the heart, one gains control over death. The beautiful peace and strength that comes from conscious sleep, when even the heart rests, is only a little indicator of the great rest and regenerated vitality provided to the body by sleep. 

In I Corinthians 15:31, St. Paul states "I protest by the joy that I have in Christ, and I die daily,"—that is, the peace that comes with Christ consciousness rests (or stops) the heart. 

This tremendous scientific knowledge of resting the heart and obtaining immortality was discovered way back in Biblical times. 

Sadhu Haridas, a Yogi from India, was buried underground for five months under the watchful care of European physicians, and at the conclusion of that period, he regained consciousness and resumed his usual life. He'd learned the art of heart control and relaxation.

You may also want to read more about Spirituality and Healing here.

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