Shamanism and Science

You live in the middle of infinity every day of your life. You have to be present in each moment and take each action.

You have an endless number of choices at your disposal. Consider the circle, which is defined as an infinite number of connected points—a closed curve on a plane—with each point being the same distance from a fixed point, the circle's core. Place yourself in the center of a space. Rotate 360 degrees, ending where you started, while keeping your feet in the same position (the circle's center). As a result, you've created a circle and, by extension, you can access an infinite number of points or directions. As a result, you will act in an infinite number of ways. Any step, large or small, from your starting point, places you in a different space, a different orientation than where you began, as if taking compass readings.

When you agree that you have an infinite number of choices, you must consider how you can handle this vastness, how you will contribute to it, how you will travel with it, how you will extend your reference to it, and how you will evolve inside it. The truth is that we restrict our choices, confining our vision and actions to a small portion of the possibilities. It can take a long time to break through these barriers. We must learn to adapt to the vastness of existence in order to be constantly awakened to new consciousness, new knowledge, and new vistas—the possibilities are endless.

”Reality” is a concept created by humans. It's a world definition born of imagination and characterized by knowledge.

A single canvas in a museum or one book in a magnificent library, whether based on science, theory, faith, or something else, is a single view of truth. Individuals, communities, and animals evolve over time, and their perceptions of truth change as well. What remains constant is that our expectations of what life entails form the reality we encounter. We have all engaged in complex maneuvers of studying, constructing, and consolidating a worldview since birth. Even if we have only created a partial representation of the vastness that lies before us, this is a significant achievement.

The reality is that life is much greater than our ability to comprehend it. As a result, human-created experience serves as a realistic foundation for us to live and continue learning.

Learning and survival are inextricably linked. However, the present worldview is problematic in this regard. Humanity is at a fork in the road, and survival will require a shift in our perspective. For example, one might argue that cyclical global warming has accelerated dramatically as a direct result of a human-made reality that separates humans from their planet, and that exploitation of natural resources for financial gain, rather than harmony with all aspects of the environment, now threatens social structures of all kinds, as well as the very existence of many forms of life. Similarly, centuries ago, a European "flat earth" perspective hindered discovery of oceans and continents, stifling a new relationship with the rest of the planet. The consequences of both contemporary and historical worldviews were caused by inhibited learning and a lack of understanding.

However, solutions to our current problems are surfacing. People are becoming more conscious of the relationship between cause and effect. On behalf of endangered species, organizations are taking up arms. And there are many legal debates. The aim of this essay is to contribute to the larger effort by presenting knowledge about a specific method of learning that can lead to increased awareness, a broader outlook, and new ways of engaging with the world.

You may also want to read more about Shamanism here.

Also, be sure to check out our section on Religion.