Calming, Balance, Mental Clarity, and Improved Circulation
are some of the benefits.
By equating the lengths of inhalation and exhalation, this common procedure balances the energy in the body and mind.
Sama Vritti is also
the name of the energetic effect (here) that this technique produces, which is
a relaxed and aware mind. This is still a good bet because you're not sure
which pranayama technique to use.
1. Start by setting a timer for 5 minutes.
2. Encourage your eyes to close and feel your body relax in
a relaxed sitting position or in Savasana (here) on the floor. Try Gyan Mudra
or Chin Mudra if you'd like.
3. Take ten deep breaths and observe the normal pattern of
your breathing, observing if your inhalation is faster or shorter than your
4. Draw six counts of oxygen into your lungs using a long
and steady inhalation. One second equals one count of oxygen, or the time it
takes to chant “ m ”
5. Exhale slowly for six counts without pausing.
6. Do at least 12 rounds of balanced breathing.
7. Let go of the technique and note how the breathing
changes. Allow your eyes to open gradually.
8. Keep a journal of your experience, noting any unusual
sensations, development, or obstacles.
TIPS: Even if it takes some time to even out the air at
first, you can ease the effort by slowing down the inhalation and exhalation of
breath. You should use a metronome to count your breaths if you have one.
You may also want to read more about Pranayama and Holistic Healing here.