Relationship between Shamanism and Bioenergetics


Bioenergy is at the heart of a revolutionary new area of study that contends that the universe is made up of living things.

physical artefacts are manifested as a function of this force. The multidisciplinary discipline of bioenergetics is "the study of the movement and transfer of energy in and between living organisms, as well as between living organisms and their environment." It is a branch of biophysics. As the name implies, it is concerned with the intersection of biology (the science of all life) and energy (possibly the fundamental structure of all life). The field where biology and energy collide is vast, well beyond imagination. Bioenergy will form the foundation of an entirely new cosmology because it touches nearly every aspect of human existence and every nook and cranny of our planet.

The term bioenergetics was first described as "a type of psychology focused on the use of kinesthetics and muscle tests to measure energy flow and levels," so the field began with physical anatomy as its foundation. With his book Bioenergetics, physician Alexander Lowen popularized it. More recently, in his book Energy Psychology, psychologist Fred Gallo demonstrates how the field has progressed by disclosing links between perception, energy, and actions, and putting energy movement and blockages at the heart of why disorders occur.

The concept of energy playing a part in the body is well-known. Electrical communication is the central nervous system's primary mode of communication, brain waves are measured in frequency, and energy is at the heart of metabolism. The understanding of the importance of energy in the body is improving. Biophysics developed as a natural product of physicists expanding their study into all fields where energy is involved. Cellular connectivity, neurobiology, and the role of photons and electrons in the human body are among the topics covered by this discipline. Simultaneously, the technological universe is giving birth to technologies that expose and change biologic energy fields, as well as communicate with the matrix of ambient energy.

We are increasingly growing our understanding of the fact that energy fields trigger a vast range of physical phenomena as a result of these forms of investigations. Biophysicist James Oschman points out that DNA's reaction to pulsing magnetic fields has been well established in his seminal book, Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis. He also discusses the extracellular matrix, which can be seen all over the body, and its complex relationship with energy fields. “Just like hormones and neurotransmitters, this matrix exerts unique and essential effects on cellular dynamics.”

While the word "bioenergetics" is new, it has strong historical roots. Acupuncture, for example, has been used as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for at least, years, with some dating its origins as far back as, years. Acupuncture is based on meridians, which are energy circuits that run across the body. This flow is similar to blood flow through the circulatory system, which must be well regulated for good health. Meridians also serve as a biological connection to qi, or life force. In order to preserve and control the normal flow of electricity, needles are implanted into the skin along the channel paths. Since acupuncture is done with reduced invasiveness, adverse side effects are also minimal—an important factor considering the high frequency with which opioid side effects take their toll.

Chakras are a form of energetic circuit that runs through the body. Chakras are energy centers that run the length of the spine, each of which corresponds to a particular mode of perception. The root chakra, situated at the base of the body, is mostly associated with physicality, while the crown chakra, located at the top of the head, is associated with spirituality. The chakra system, which was created thousands of years ago in Eastern cultures, is used in many laying-on-of-hands rituals, such as Reiki.

Homeopathy is a more recent model of energetic recovery. In, its creator, physician Samuel Hahnemann, wrote the seminal treatise Organon of the Medical Art, in which he defined the method of treating diseases with small quantities of a drug that correlates to the illness, a “like cures like” theory. Physical molecules are steadily separated by succussing, which involves intense shaking of the solution, as well as diluting the solution constantly, until only an energetic residue remains, creating another theory of "less is more." This, according to Hahnemann, potentizes the formulation, which works directly on the patient's "vital power," or intrinsic capacity. The human body reacts and heals as a result of this.

During the infectious disease epidemics that swept Europe in the s, homoeopathy is credited with minimizing pain. As modern models of biology and chemistry became more common toward the end of the century, many people started to dismiss homoeopathy as quackery. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), which is part of the National Institutes of Health, is also offering grants for the clinical study of homoeopathy, indicating a resurgence of interest in the United States. Homeopathy is regaining prominence in Europe, as shown by centers such as the Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmuhle, Switzerland, which uses homoeopathy as a primary therapy in the treatment of cancer and other diseases from a biological medicine viewpoint.

Royal Rife found a cancer virus in the early s, but medical research did not confirm his discovery until the late s. He went on to discover a peculiar electromagnetic frequency that, when directed at cancer cells, caused them to die, paving the way for further research into the idea that any organism has its own electromagnetic signature or waveform that is linked to its genetic composition. Rife's thesis was contentious to say the least, and several institutions attempted to censor it, but it is still a point of reference in the field of bioenergetics today.

One of the most persuasive features distinguishing all of these treatments from the allopathic biomedical paradigm is that bioenergy-based healing frequently necessitates an assessment of the whole individual and views disease as an expression of internal and external disharmony.

Treatment of the Western allopathic style, on the other hand, is aimed at combating the illness, which is seen as a different entity from the patient. Symptoms are often attacked alone, resulting in negative side effects, while detrimental side effects are deliberately reduced, though not avoided, in holistic models. I'm not claiming that one viewpoint is superior to the other; I believe that both styles have meaning in different situations.

One of the challenges for a developing area like this, as Clark Manning and Louis Vanrenan, authors of Bioenergetic Medicines East and West, point out, is the lack of instrumentation to accurately test effects and outcomes. Because these energy pathways haven't found mainstream recognition in scientific thinking, scientific instruments to quantify chakras, meridians, and related energy processes have been slow to evolve. Chakras are still only spoken in passing, let alone studied scientifically.

While biologists are amassing vast amounts of data on various energetic processes such as cellular signaling, this is in the realm of acknowledged scientific inquiry. Homeopathy and acupuncture, for example, have not been properly measured, tested, or approved by the medical community as a whole. One explanation for the slowdown in technical innovation is the lack of precise descriptions of the energies to be measured.

Energy-based treatments, according to NCCAM, work with two kinds of energy fields: veritable and putative. Visual light, magnetism, and parts of the electromagnetic spectrum are examples of veritable fields that can be tested. Putative fields contain energies like the vital force and qi, which are yet to be measured. However, the lack of instrumentation in CAM-related biofields is being discussed on many fronts.

The SQUID (superconducting quantum information device) is at the forefront of this kind of invention.

Magnetometer (biomagnetic field mapping device) is a highly sensitive technology that can map biomagnetic fields created by physiological processes in the body. J. E. Zimmerman, a former Ford Motor Company scientist, was the driving force behind its growth. SQUID was the first practical electronic device to track interaction between matter's energy waves, and it is now regarded as one of the best magnetic flux detectors. Special rooms shielding environmental energies have been designed in combination with SQUID technologies in order to study highly subtle magnetic fields in the brain and other parts of the body.

Konstantin Korotkov, a physics professor at Russia's St. Petersburg State Technical University, came up with another invention. Korotkov, a bioelectrography specialist, created a computerised device that allows for what he calls "Gas Discharge Visualization" (GDV).

GDV, which is based on Kirlian imaging, allows for the study of human energy fields and can aid in the observation of energy transitions in a number of circumstances, including as treatments are performed.

Polycontrast Interference Photography is another new technique with a lot of potential for diagnosing physical and psychiatric illnesses (PIP). It consists of a digital camera and patented software that measures the energy released as two waveforms collide, and it was invented by British researcher Harry Oldfield. The photonic discharge that results creates an image that reveals areas of illness and fitness. Chakras, meridians, and physiologic states, as well as the effects of human intention and a variety of environmental factors, are all readily discernible. In the United States, Oldfield worked with physician Brian Dailey, and in India, he worked with Thornton Streeter, Director of The Centre for Biofield Sciences. In one study, the crown chakra of a delusional individual was found to be distinctly broken. PIP mapped the changes in a seasoned meditator's consciousness as he went from normal waking consciousness to deep meditation and back to normal waking consciousness in another profile. PIP observations, including GDV experiments, are classified as speculative because it's unclear what energies are being tracked.

The science of metabolic function at the cellular level is also known as bioenergetics. Scientists at prestigious universities are showing the importance of energetic flow and transformation of illness and recovery as a result of this research.

The Institute of Bioenergetics at the University of Colorado in Colorado Springs, for example, is developing “a multidisciplinary approach to studying cellular metabolism and cellular connectivity with the aim of treating or curing severe diseases.” The field of cellular signaling (how cells communicate) is now progressing from the study of physical processes—for example, a hormone docking with a cellular receptor, which sets off a chain of events—to studying energetic signaling, of which the physical cascade's first source is energetic in nature.

In the laboratory of John McMichael, immunologist, virologist, and curator of Beech Tree Labs and The Institute for Therapeutic Discovery, another field of investigation is underway. Decades of laboratory and preclinical research have shown the promise of a class of formulations that use low amounts of naturally occurring molecules—proteins and DNA, for example—to address a broad variety of diseases.

The dosages are much higher than in homoeopathy, but much smaller than in most modern pharmaceuticals.

Scientific evidence indicating the receptors are affected and which genes are up- or down-regulated (turned on or off) suggests that this platform could lead to a new understanding of how the body functions.

Scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that McMichael's groundbreaking breakthrough for curing depression didn't work by the biopathways common with modern antidepressants since it showed effectiveness in confirmed animal tests. These results led to the hypothesis that the agent works by a process of energetic contact that instructs the body to rebalance itself. McMichael himself believes there may be an energetic network made up of receptors in cells or the extracellular matrix that aids in the restoration of homeodynamics (a more descriptive term for homeostasis), the body's normal balance. As a result, he now concentrates his focus on sub-molecular processes.

Nonlocal healing, in which an individual's or a group's well-focused purpose can have a huge impact on the wellbeing of anyone thousands of miles away, is often on the cutting edge of bioenergetics. Although this process is often classified as mystical or religious, the cause of nonlocal healing is generally thought to be energy-based, whether it is focused by dowsing, praying, or other methods. Physician Larry Dossey and research scientist Marilyn Mandala Schlitz of the Institute of Noetic Sciences are among those who have studied this mechanism of healing scientifically. They have found positive yet contradictory findings, as is typical when studying putative energies. The common denominator of how the different approaches to nonlocal healing concentrate energy is often considered to be intentionality, or the deliberate application of meaning. The scientific mapping of intent is still a long way off.

If healing rituals and hardwired technologies—which get to the heart of the human condition—are energy effects that necessitate looking at the whole being as well as environmental factors, both the quantum physicist's "unified field" and the mystic's "everything is one" insight point to a shared universe. This takes us closer to the aspects of the human condition that are universal, regardless of colour, gender, or creed. Although there has been a lot of literature on the energetics of living environments, it hasn't been presented in the light of Western European philosophical ideas and traditions for the most part. This is beginning to change. For decades, science has been catching up to what the Toltecs have been telling about the universe and the healing methods TCM has been providing. The healing therapies of bioenergetics—often referred to as "energy medicine"—appears to be very complex, have strong historical origins, and constitute an emerging multidisciplinary field of modern science.

New models, new factors for investigation, and new tools for healing and wellness will continue to sprout whether energy is in any sense a determinant for biological behavior and reactions. These revelations, on the other hand, do not throw a completely new net of knowledge over the science community. They are predicated on prior experience. According to Oschman, “the new hypotheses should not cause us to forget our sophisticated understandings of genetics, biochemistry, or molecular biology.”

“Instead, they refine our understanding of living systems and healing at deeper structural and functional levels.”

Magnetic electrical input and other forms of energy-based signals are continuously received and emitted by the human body. The body has an array of energy-detection apparatuses, from drawing in the Sun's energy and turning it to Vitamin D, to hearing impacting brain areas, to photon-detection receptors in the retina. Chemical reactions are triggered by the presence of electricity. Furthermore, the modern discipline of electromyography, which tracks electrical currents behind muscle contraction, has over a century of study behind it, demonstrating that this form of action happens spontaneously within the body.

“We are in a time of radical transition in the healthcare system,” says Oschman, a recognized pioneer in the area of biophysics. In this phase, Energy Medicine plays a critical role. The explanation for this is that traditional Western medicine is the first medicinal practice in existence to have largely overlooked the concept of energy. Nearly all complementary and holistic therapies that the population is enthusiastically turning toward have energetic concepts.” “‘In every society and in every medical practice before ours, healing was done by transferring energy,” Oschman continues, quoting Albert Szent-Györgyi (who received a Nobel Prize in for his synthesis of vitamin C).

“Nothing occurs in nature without an energy exchange,” says physicist Milo Wolff. Communication or the development of some sort of information requires an energetic transition. There are no exceptions to this rule. This is a natural law.”

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