Reiki Meditation to Heal the Karmic Past

When you need to repair deeper emotional wounds and family dynamics that have you stuck in toxic loops and routines, this meditation will help. This meditation can be used as frequently as needed, but it is recommended that you use it every day for at least two weeks to help you overcome deeper emotional problems in your life.

1. Sit or lie down to begin your meditation. Help your low back and hips with whatever pillows or bolsters you need.

2. With a quick gassho, bring your mind to your breathing and express gratitude for your recovery with Reiki concepts.

3. Invoke Reiki and Universal life-force energies to assist you on your healing journey.

4. Seek advice and help from the spirit guides and all other Universe-wide Masters of Healing.

5. When you inhale and exhale, close your eyes and let go of the pain in your body. Take a few moments to think about this.

6. When you relax, use your third eye to sense Reiki energies flowing through your crown and across your whole body.

Allow it to reach your palms and soles, grounding you and training you to heal the past.

7. Either put your hands on either side of your root chakra on either side of your hips, or place them at the very tops of your thighs, as close to your root chakra as possible (your root chakra is at the base of your spine).

8. Visualize Reiki energy beaming to your red root chakra through the layers of your skin, tissue, muscle, and bone. Spend some time visualizing this soothing force flowing from your root to you.

9. Allow something that has to come up to come up. You could see sparks of light, photographs of someone's face, or a recollection from the past. You can experience a wide range of feelings and feel tempted to weep or be angry. Allow the emotions and sensations to escalate rather than avoiding them.

10. As you become aware of the challenges that are arising, see Reiki energies emanating from your hands and connecting to certain thoughts or images. Allow the light energies to dissolve any past issues or karmic wounds that are rising to the surface of your root chakra.

11. Give yourself plenty of time to enjoy this meditative section. You may see family members you met as a kid or an incident you had in your third eye. You can experience emotions unrelated to a particular picture. Allow the Reiki energies to beam light and love through the palms of the hands and through the root chakra, wherever it manifests.

12. Encourage your hands to rest by your sides and breathe for many seconds while you know there is nothing left to overcome.

13. After removing energy from the root chakra, allow your hands to fly to another chakra and do the same acts as you did with the root chakra.

Allow the Reiki field to show you what you need to heal, and keep going before you're told to stop.

14. Return to your comfortable seat and take a few deep breaths.

15. When you're ready, end the meditation and give Reiki a gassho of appreciation.

This can be a powerful cleansing and purging experience. After that, be careful with yourself and your energy by going for a stroll or listening to calming music while sipping a cup of tea. Meditation can be used to Awaken the Light Channels. This final meditation will show you how to spark the entire chakra structure in a unique way. This is excellent for spiritual awakening as well as balancing the whole system for overall wellbeing and satisfaction.

You may also want to read more about Reiki Healing here.