Devotion is Key to Self Realization


 "Enlightened Vision" is far superior to ignorance. Physical perception is linked to ignorance. "All Things are Brahman," says the magnificent phrase "Sarvam Khalu Idam Brahma." All Brahmans are friends and adversaries (Reality). As a result, both good and bad are Brahman. Every person on the planet is a slave to their circumstances. Even picking up feces might be compelled by circumstances.


Only Bhakti (devotion) has the power to change circumstances. 

Knowledge (Jnana) is attained by "Devotion to God." The law that a monarch imposes on his subjects binds him. Our ideas should be governed by law. We should be able to choose whether we want to be bound. Wisdom's "inner-vision" is devotion. A person who does not experience Self-Realization while they are alive is genuinely lost. 

A person who is caught by worldly things becomes lost in the humdrum stream of existence. Take the spiritual road you've chosen with steadfast conviction. 

Illusion will not tempt you (Maya). Illusion must be destroyed. Maya treats everyone with the same indifference. 

Only the aspirant whose spiritual practice has not been completed is reborn as a human being with human traits. Except for the one who understands Brahman, Maya is unafraid of everyone. The Maya cult has many adherents, but "The Path of Knowledge" has a small number of followers. You are, in essence, the "Incarnation of the Divine," and it is your destiny to eliminate Illusion. Keep in mind that Maya is always on the lookout for you, so be cautious. 

Do not lose sight of your genuine home, your origin. 

This planet might be your home if you desire to become beasts like elephants, horses, and other animals. Make your "True Nature" a point of pride. The sole purpose of our birth is to sever the backbone of worldliness. We must not only accomplish our own liberation, but also the liberation of others. You will undoubtedly be God if you live with the idea that you are God. Without dedication, it is impossible to attain one's own good. 

You will never gain freedom if you do not live according to the "Path of Devotion." 

"The one who is awake achieves, while the one who sleeps loses," as the adage goes. There is no Liberation without dedication, even if you die a nice and devout person. Life is nothing but degradation if it is not lived with commitment. While they are alive, saints make their lives significant. The person who is free while alive is unconcerned about where his physical body will be after he dies. Because the Saint isn't born, he doesn't die.

 A person who dies while still alive has surpassed both birth and death. The "Son of the Guru" (Guru-Putra; one whose awareness is always related to that of the Guru) should constantly discriminate properly. Non-duality is a way of life. Aspire to be Truth-seekers.

You may also want to read more about Spirituality and Healing here.

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