COVID-19 - Tips to Disinfect your Home if someone is Sick


  1. Surfaces should be cleaned with soap and water. Cleaning constantly touched surfaces can be done on a regular basis.
  2. Tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, chairs, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, drains, and other high-touch surfaces Decontaminate
  3. If the surface allows, use diluted household bleach solutions. Verify that the commodity hasn't passed its expiration date. When correctly diluted, unexpired household bleach would be protective against coronaviruses.

For application and adequate ventilation, follow the manufacturer's directions. Never mix household chlorine, ammonia, or some other cleanser together.

To make a bleach solution, combine the following ingredients:

  1. 4 teaspoons bleach per quart of water OR 5 tablespoons (1/3 cup) bleach per gallon of water
  2. Drug solutions with at least 70% alcohol.
  3. Disinfectants and cleaners for the home: If the region or object is dirty, clean it with soap and water or another detergent. After that, clean the area with a household disinfectant.
  4. To ensure that the substance is used safely and effectively, follow the guidance on the package.

Many products suggest:

  • To guarantee the germs are eliminated, keep the surface moist for several minutes.
  • Precautions include wearing gloves and ensuring adequate ventilation when using the device.

Surfaces that are supple

  • Carpeted floors, rugs, and drapes are examples of soft surfaces. Infect the surface with soap and water or cleaners designed for these types of surfaces.
  • If practicable, wash products according to the manufacturer's instructions.
  • Use the warmest water environment possible and fully dry the products.
  • OR use an EPA-registered household disinfectant to disinfect. These disinfectants follow the EPA's COVID-19 requirements for usage.

Doing the laundry

  • Clothing, blankets, linens, and other things are stored here.
  • Put on a pair of disposable gloves.
  • As soon as you take off the gloves, wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Dirty clothes need not be shaken.
  • Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for laundering. Use the warmest water environment possible and fully dry the products.
  • A sick person's dirty laundry should be cleaned with other people's.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting clothes hampers should be done in the same way as floors should be cleaned and disinfected.

Hands should be washed often.

  • Hands should be washed often with soap and water for 20 seconds.
  • Since losing masks and coming into touch with a sick human, wash instantly.
  • Hand sanitizer: Use a hand sanitizer that includes at least 60% alcohol if soap and water aren't readily available and your hands aren't clearly dirty.
  • Hands should still be washed with soap and water if they are clearly dirty.
  • Other important times to scrub your hands include:
  • Since sneezing, crying, or blowing one's nose,
  • After using the toilet, before consuming or cooking meals, and after having come into contact with animals or pets
  • Before and after delivering regular assistance to another individual in need (e.g. a child)
  • Unwashed hands should not be used to touch your eyes, nose, or lips.


  • If at all practicable, the sick person should eat (or be fed) in their own home.
  • Handle any non-disposable used food service products with gloves and wash them with hot water or in the dishwasher.
  • After handling used food service products, wash your face.


  • If at all practicable, dedicate a lined garbage can to the sick person.
  • When removing garbage bags and storing and disposing of litter, wear gloves. After that, wash your face.