



The back is bent downward in Paschimottanasana and Halasana. Counter-poses to stretch the spine backwards include Dhanur, Bhujanga, and Salabha Asanas. 

This is not good enough. It must even be bent and twisted from side to side (lateral movements). And then will the spinal column's elasticity be guaranteed. The Matsyendrasana, which provides a lateral twist to the spinal column, is ideal for this.

Place the left heel below the scrotum, near the anus. It has the ability to reach out and touch the perennial vacuum. Enable the heel to remain in this position. 

Bend the right knee and position the right ankle at the base of the left leg, resting the right foot next to the left hip-joint. Place the left axilla, or armpit, over the top of the right knee that is vertically bent. 

Now, pull the leg back a little so that it meets the back of the axilla. In your left hand, grab the left foot. After that, gently rotate the spine and turn to the extreme right by adding pressure to the left shoulder joint. Turn your face as far to the right as you can. 

Bring it up to the level of the right shoulder. Swing the right arm out to the left. In your right hand, grab the left leg. Around 5 to 15 seconds, hold the pose. Maintain the upright position of the vertebral spine. Do not stoop. In the same way, you can rotate your back to the left.


This asana stimulates the intestinal fire, which enhances appetite. It eliminates dreadful diseases. It awakens Kundalini and keeps Chandranadi, the moon's flow, constant. 

The moon is said to be situated above the base of the palate. It spills the cold ambrosial nectar, which is squandered as it comes into contact with gastric fire. 

This Asana, on the other hand, prevents it.

It leaves the spine supple and massages the abdominal organs well. Lumbago and other forms of muscular rheumatism of the back muscles may be treated. 

The sympathetic organ and the spinal nerve roots are toned. They have a large blood supply. This pose is a complement to Paschimottanasana.