The Ajna Chakra is located inside the Sushumna Nadi, and its physical corresponding center is located between the two eye brows. Trikuti is the name for this. Paramasiva (Shambhu), the presiding deity, takes the form of Hamsa. Goddess Hakini (Sakti) exists. The Bijakshara for this Chakra is Pranava xdvng (Om). This is where the mind resides. On either side of the lotus (Chakra), there are two petals (Yoga Nadis), and the movements of these Nadis are represented by the Sanskrit letters xdvng (Ham) and xdvng (Ham) (Ksham). The Granthi Sthana is where you'll find the Granthi Sthana (Rudra Granthi). The color of the Chakra is pure white or similar to that of the fullmoon (on the Purnima day). This Chakra houses Bindu, Nada, and Sakti. Tapo-Loka refers to this Chakra. The Cavernous Plexus is the human body's corresponding core.

All the Karmas from previous lives are destroyed by concentrating at this core. The advantages of meditating on this Chakra are difficult to put into writing. The practitioner attains the status of Jivanmukta (liberated man while living). He gains all eight major Siddhis as well as 32 minor Siddhis. Pranava, both Yogis and Jnanis are concentrating on this center on the Bijakshara! (OM). This is referred to as Bhrumadya Drishti (gaze at the space between the two eye-brows). In the following lessons, more information on this vital Chakra will be included.


The brain and cranial nerves are the most important components of the nervous system. It is made up of light grey and white matter and is a mass of nervous tissues. It takes up the whole cranium. Cranium acts as an iron safe for the treasured ‘brain.' The brain is surrounded by three membranes or Meninges: (1) dura mater, the fibrous connective tissue by the side of the cranial bones; (2) pia mater, the connective tissue comprising a network of blood vessels that penetrates and nourishes all areas of the brain; and (3) arachnoid, a very fine membrane surrounding the brain. The area below the arachnoid includes the cerebro-spinal fluid, which is meant to protect the brain from damage. The brain seems to be swimming in the liquid.

A single Sulcus or tissue divides the brain into two parts, the right and left hemispheres. The brain is divided into lobes or smaller parts, such as the parietal and temporal lobes on the sides, the occipital lobe at the back of the cerebellum, and so on. Per lobe has several convolutions or Gyre. We should split the brain into four parts for research purposes once more.

1. Cerebrum: The cerebrum is the greater, lateral, oval-shaped portion of the brain. It is located in the cranial cavity's upper half. This includes the essential hearing, voice, and vision centers, among other things. The pineal gland, which is thought to be the seat of the spirit and is involved in Samadhi and psychic phenomena, is found here.

2. Cerebellum, also known as the "small brain" or "hind brain": This is the oblong-shaped dominant part of the brain, located just above the fourth ventricle and behind and behind the brain. The grey matter is arranged on top of the white matter in this diagram. It is in control of muscle coordination. During dreams, the mind lies here.

3. Medulla Oblongata: The oblong-shaped and wide Medulla Oblongata is the beginning of the spinal cord in the cranial cavity. It is located halfway between the two hemispheres. The white matter is set on top of the grey matter here. This houses the nerve centers that control vital functions including circulation and respiration. This area must be closely guarded.

4. Pons Varolii: This is the bridge that connects the Medulla Oblongata to the rest of the world. It's made up of white and grey fibers derived from the cerebellum and medulla. This is where the cerebellum and the medulla intersect.

The brain is divided into five ventricles. The fourth point is the most crucial. It can be found in the Medulla Oblongata. When the spinal cord's internal canal, "Canalis Centralis," crosses the cranial cavity, it is referred to as the fourth ventricle. The tiny canal enlarges at this stage.

The brain and every nerve in the body are inextricably linked. Olfactory; Optic; Motor Oculi; Pathetic; Trifacial; Abducens; Facial; Auditory; Glossopharyngeal; Pneumogastric; Spinal accessory; and Hypo-glossal are the 12 pairs of cranial nerves that run from both hemispheres through the openings at the base of the skull to various areas of the body. These are the nerves that bind the eye, ear, tongue, nose, pharynx, thorax, and other parts of the body. Any anatomy book will include a thorough examination of this section. I've included several sections that are related to Kundalini Yoga.

You may also want to read more about Kundalini Yoga and Holistic Healing here.