

4 Steps to Help You Overcome Relationship Anxiety

There is no way to predict when or how someone may develop an anxiety disorder with certainty. Fortunately, there are measures that can be taken to help reduce or eliminate the symptoms. Some of these measures are outlined in this article.

Simple Steps to Help You Overcome Relationship Anxiety:

1. Maintain your Composure

You must have developed the habit of critiquing everything you do. It's natural; we all have an inner critic who enjoys sowing doubt and filling our minds with nervous thoughts. If this happens, the first thing you can try to do is calm down so that things don't get out of hand. Meditation relaxes the nervous system and allows you to build a barrier between yourself and those destructive thought patterns. You'll discover that you don't have to respond to every thought that enters your head. So, take a few deep breaths and set aside some time for meditation.

2. Analyze what you Really Know

The next move is to pinpoint the specific negative circumstance that is causing you anxiety. This is because the majority of the things that cause us anxiety are founded on our own imaginations. So, if your relationship is causing you distress for some cause, look into it and figure out why, focusing only on evidence rather than opinions. This will assist you in thoroughly comprehending your current condition as opposed to any imagined loss.

3. Take Care Of Yourself

When you're worried about your relationships, it's important to focus on taking care of yourself first. Do just those things that will encourage your health and make you feel safe, rather than acting out against your partner or trying to get reassurance.

4. Heal from the Inside Out

You've already figured out that these are the only steps you need to take in order to maintain control of yourself, not your partner.

Heal yourself from the inside out; this is the only way to deal with these potentially negative emotions that arise from inside. It is possible to be concerned and conscious of oneself without feeling nervous.

Mindfulness-Based Meditation (MBM)

Mindfulness-Based Meditation is the most common form of meditation used to treat anxiety disorders. This form of meditation can be traced back to Jon Kabat-Zinn, the founder of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Approach, who initiated the mindfulness movement. 

The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Approach's main goal is to teach people how to fully stop worrying thoughts. This can be accomplished by practicing mindfulness, determining the source of fear in your body, understanding your thinking process, and learning how to better deal with painful emotions.

While practicing MBSR with a teacher is preferable, you can get the same results by taking online courses.

You may also like to read more about Meditation, Guided Meditation, Mindfulness Mediation and Healing here.