

World Theatre Day Message 2015

The author of the Message of World Theatre Day 2015 is the Polish director Krzysztof Warlikowski!

The true masters of the theater are most easily found far from the stage. And they generally have no interest in theater as a machine for replicating conventions and reproducing clichés. They search out the pulsing source, the living currents that tend to bypass performance halls and the throngs of people bent on copying some world or another. We copy instead of create worlds that are focused or even reliant on debate with an audience, on emotions that swell below the surface. And actually there is nothing that can reveal hidden passions better than the theater.

Most often I turn to prose for guidance.  Day in and day out I find myself thinking about writers who nearly one hundred years ago described prophetically but also restrainedly the decline of the European gods, the twilight that plunged our civilization into a darkness that has yet to be illumined. I am thinking of Franz Kafka, Thomas Mann and Marcel Proust. Today I would also count John Maxwell Coetzee among that group of prophets.

Their common sense of the inevitable end of the world—not of the planet but of the model of human relations—and of social order and upheaval, is poignantly current for us here and now. For us who live after the end of the world. Who live in the face of crimes and conflicts that daily flare in new places faster even than the ubiquitous media can keep up. These fires quickly grow boring and vanish from the press reports, never to return. And we feel helpless, horrified and hemmed in. We are no longer able to build towers, and the walls we stubbornly construct do not protect us from anything—on the contrary, they themselves demand protection and care that consumes a great part of our life energy. We no longer have the strength to try and glimpse what lies beyond the gate, behind the wall. And that’s exactly why theater should exist and where it should seek its strength. To peek inside where looking is forbidden.

 “The legend seeks to explain what cannot be explained. Because it is grounded in truth, it must end in the inexplicable”—this is how Kafka described the transformation of the Prometheus legend.  I feel strongly that the same words should describe the theater. And it is that kind of theater, one which is grounded in truth and which finds its end in the inexplicable that I wish for all its workers, those on the stage and those in the audience, and I wish that with all my heart.

---Krzysztof Warlikowski

Supported by Theatre Communications Group and the U.S. Center of ITI

She Who Heals

Mother, sing me a song
That will ease my pain,
Mend broken bones,
Bring wholeness again.
Deliver my children
When they are born,
And When it's time

Sing my death song,
Teach me how to mourn.
Show me the Medicine
Of the healing herbs,
The value of Spirit,
The way I can Serve.
Mother, heal my heart
So that I can see
The gifts of yours
That can live through me.

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Sacred Mother 

Sacred Mother of All That Is
I Revel in Thy Divine Bliss
You Walk With Me in Thy Shining Light
Throughout this Day and Throughout the Night
You Surround and Enfold Me with Your Loving Care
You are My Rock, My Foundation, You are Always There
Great Mother Goddess who Gives the Breathe of Life
Hold Me Safe from Harm and Safe from Strife
May I Forever Walk in Thy Blessed Light
May it Dwell within Me, May it Shine So Bright
In Thy Perfect Love and Harmony
In Thy Perfect Trust….  I Jai Krishna Will this to BE !