The Life We Live is Defined by the Love We Share
The best things in life are the ones that we share..... Love with our Loved ones, joy with our friends and even strangers. Sharing Love changes your energy from negative to Positive, even in your darkest hours.
It could be When someone lends you a hand, Listens to you or shares a smile, the light of your heart turns on like the fire in a hot air balloon. Sharing Compassion and caring for other people is just beautiful.
It could be When someone lends you a hand, Listens to you or shares a smile, the light of your heart turns on like the fire in a hot air balloon. Sharing Compassion and caring for other people is just beautiful.
Be grateful for all the good people that you have in your Life because they are Angels sent by God to share your Journey on Earth with Love.
Blessings, Much Love and Light to All